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Add link to Visual Studio documentation

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1 parent e433951 commit e2ea68e2d13971e7a765a3e54488a1d135da8f21 @nockawa nockawa committed
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ You can help by testing or contributing to the next version.
- **2.4-alpha** can be found [here](
- We are not complicated people, but we still have some [coding guidelines](
- Before submitting your PR, just check that everything goes well by [creating the minified version](
-- Need help to contribute? We have a [documentation for you](
+- Need help to contribute? We have a [general purpose documentation for you]( and a [Visual Studio specific one](
## Documentation
- [Documentation](

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