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freecodecamp banner


This repository is under development and is currently changing to keep up with freecodecamp. If you have issues please submit an issue and it will be addressed as quickly as possible. See the changelog.



Contributing to a project can be difficult at times. The project might require a lot of configuration and some tools that you might not have installed on your local machine.

The point of this project is to give you an environment which you can use to help develop FreeCodeCamp.

image of still air container

You spin up the environment, make your contribution, and create a pull request.

Getting Started


  • Install Vagrant
    • Select the OS that you're working with
    • Download and run the installer (may require system restart)
    • Confirm Vagrant is installed
      • Open a terminal window in which ever OS you're working in
      • Enter the command vagrant --version
      • Result should be Vagrant 1.7.4 (as of this commit)
  • Install hostmanager vagrant plugin
    • Open a terminal window in which ever OS you're working in
    • Enter the command vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager


  • favourite editor
  • browser
  • contributing idea


Clone repo

$ git clone

Get into working directory

$ cd fcc-vagrant

Initialize submodules

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Spin up machine with vagrant

$ vagrant up

Tunnel into machine

$ vagrant ssh

Get into freecodecamp directory

$cd freecodecamp

Run the app

$ gulp



(How to develope and contribute with this repo)

Repo Flow

  • Vagrantfile for FreeCodeCamp
    • Vagrant will spin up Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
      • Machine will be provisioned by puppet
    • Vagrant will create sync folder
      • Sync:: ./freecodecamp -> /home/vagrant/freecodecamp

DevTools Puppet Module:

  • git
  • m4
  • ruby
  • vim-common
  • curl
  • htop
  • g++
  • build-essential
  • texinfo
  • libbz2-dev
  • libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • libexpat-dev
  • libncurses-dev
  • zlib1g-dev

Freecodecamp Puppet Module:

  • git clone freecodecamp repo
  • npm config set jobs 1
  • npm install
  • npm install -g bower
  • npm install -g gulp
  • bower install
  • touch .env file
  • npm run only-once
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