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Merge pull request #7585 from hallaathrad/fix/drawer-issues

Fix map overlapping issues
  • Loading branch information...
2 parents 1533be6 + bcfe8b9 commit 22744fcbdfbc18d2452e3c40eda9be185740770a @raisedadead raisedadead committed
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
  1. +2 −2 client/main.js
4 client/main.js
@@ -298,12 +298,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
function expandBlock(item) {
- $(item).addClass('in');
+ $(item).addClass('in').css('height', 'auto');
function collapseBlock(item) {
- $(item).removeClass('in');
+ $(item).removeClass('in').css('height', 'auto');

0 comments on commit 22744fc

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