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Blank Panel on Safari #6256

xTimpi opened this Issue · 6 comments

7 participants


I just can't use the website with Safari as of the release of the new design.
At any given time there is a blank panel on the right site of the webpage, the only links I can click on are map and chat, they both pop out a new panel that overlaps the blank one, but if I close the panel it does not dismiss the blank one. Screenshot for clarification

Website works fine on Chrome or Firefox on my computer, so I guess its just an safari Issue?

Free Code Camp member

Huh. We had one report of this when we added the slideout gitter chat a couple months ago but I wasn't able to repro then and I still can't now. Leaving this open in case anyone else can repro and investigate root cause.


Possibly related to #6189


I noticed it running both Chromium and Midori on a Raspberry Pi. The issue is older browsers do not support the transform property. A fallback to the previous behavior via feature detection or simple cascading properties would be sufficient.


Had the same problem on someone else's pc. The problem looks exactly like this (from xTimpi comment above on Jan 17):

Screenshot for clarification

The pc I use with Linux/Firefox has no problem.

TEMPORARY SOLUTION: I used an ad blocker and set it to block all of the ASIDE elements. That seems to be working for them now. The overlapping blank panel is gone, and they're proceeding through html/CSS course.

Free Code Camp member

Is this issue still going on for anyone? If so, please reach out to me on gitter, and let's see if I can get it over with :)

Free Code Camp member

Closing as stale.
Please feel free to comment to re-open.

/cc @hallaathrad

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