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Profile page not showing correct streak count #7346

wildlifehexagon opened this Issue · 5 comments

4 participants


This isn't terribly important, but I noticed that the "current streak" on my portfolio page isn't showing the correct number. As of today, my streak should be 19 days, but it is listed as just one. Seems like it might be an issue with the default time zone (?), though it never had a problem before.


Your streak seems right. It is 1 day. From what I see, there was nothing on 29th Feb which restarted your streak count.


I completed a video challenge yesterday, and it shows up as one item on my profile page. Not sure how you are seeing something different...?


@wildlifehexagon It might be displaying the calendar in local time, but counting the streak by server time. I agree that it is frustrating if you are using the streak count to keep you motivated.


@JoshFisk What's weird is that this wasn't a problem before. It's making me think that it was a change made recently (perhaps inadvertently?).

Free Code Camp member

@wildlifehexagon Are you still facing this?
Can you refer #7468 as well as a know issue for now.

Please feel free to continue your discussion there.

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