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Weird cursor jumps #7528

TheCodeJones opened this Issue · 9 comments

7 participants


Challenge Use Spans for Inline Elements has an issue.
User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36.
Please describe how to reproduce this issue, and include links to screenshots if possible.

This issue has been going on for the last couple of challenges. The cursor jumps around when trying to start the challenge. I will click where I want to type. The cursor will be a few spaces back from where I clicked, so I try to type something. my input appears a line below where I clicked. Its not until I click, type something, and delete it that everything works as it should. Not a huge issue or anything, but distracting.




Happens to me too.

Free Code Camp member

@TheCodeJones @Brayn7 @techtolentino @Will-Campbell

Thanks for confirming this. Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce this. Could you help us with below information to get started in resolving this:

  1. Location : Where are you located (region) ?
  2. Can you have any GIF recordings/Screenshots anything that can help us understand this better.
  3. Can you check your console for any errors?
    • On your browser open the Dev Tools (Press F12) and go to the Console tab.
    • Refresh the page, and try to reproduce the error.
    • Post the screenshot of the console and network tabs.

Any other information that you could provide.

Sincere apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience and help in resolving this.

Free Code Camp member
Free Code Camp member

This is a known issue with Code Mirror, the software we use to edit code for our challenges. This occurs when there are long lines of code and they wrap. There are supposed to be fixes in newer versions of Code Mirror.

Ref: codemirror/CodeMirror#1862

Free Code Camp member

@SaintPeter Thanks! So I guess we are blocked by this.

@raisedadead raisedadead added blocked and removed must start ASAP labels

This manifested for me as seemingly not being able to click or move the cursor (even using arrow keys) to the last line of my code.

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