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Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON - Example should match challenge #7559

SaintPeter opened this Issue · 4 comments

3 participants

Free Code Camp member

Challenge Accessing Nested Objects in JSON Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON-
The example code does match the actual challenge very closely, which causes questions.

The example should be updated to be Array->Object->Array.

*Updated: * corrected challenge name.


I would like to work on this as my first contribution


@paycoguy Take a look at the contributing guide to get started. There's also the Help Contributors Gitter page if you need help. Good luck!


Is this issue supposed to reference Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON instead? The Array->Object->Array reference makes more sense to me in the Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON challenge.

Free Code Camp member

You are correct:

The one with "myPlants" - the example does not match the challenge.

@SaintPeter SaintPeter changed the title from Accessing Nested Objects in JSON - Example should match challenge to Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON - Example should match challenge
@SaintPeter SaintPeter closed this in #7569
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