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Pass variable (You should use the *= operator for each variable) appears wrong when correct (doesnt effect passing) #7572

Dman89 opened this Issue · 5 comments

2 participants


Challenge Assignment with Times Equals has an issue.
User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0.
Please describe how to reproduce this issue, and include links to screenshots if possible.

My code:

var a = 5;
var b = 12;
var c = 4.6;

// Only modify code below this line

a *= 5;
b *= 3;
c *= 10;

Free Code Camp member

@livinglegendparagon Your code passes for me.

Can you please be more specific? Can you post some screen shots here?
Please visit our Help Chat if you are stuck.



it is very specific, let me decode it for you.

When you do a challenge you have variables you need to pass, (passVariable)

this particular passVariable with the string value of "You should use the *= operator for each variable".

displays a red 'X' compared to a green check mark.

But I am still able to pass.

Solution: check the if/else statements for the passVariable that displays the string "You should use the *= operator for each variable" to have it correspond.

Note: if you stay on page and ctrl+enter again, it resets. something about the first time you run the code.

plan human terms, when i passed my quiz the side bar said i failed one objective on the quiz.

Free Code Camp member


Thanks I believe this is down to your browser, I tested this use case and can't seem to reproduce.
Can you please test if you are getting this on any other browser and if possible on any other device as well?

Since you are the only person so far getting this I guess we need some help in analyzing from you.

Also it would be really helpful if you could post some screenshots as I mentioned earlier.

Thanks again.


I do not own a MacMac. I do not have Windows windowswindows nor do I use browser listed

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