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"Stand in line" exercise under Basic JS has unclear directions or doesn't evaluate properly #7614

W8sconsin opened this Issue · 4 comments

3 participants

  1. queue([], 1) should return 1
  2. queue([2], 1) should return 2
  3. queue([5,6,7,8,9], 1) should return 5
  4. After queue(testArr, 10), myArr[4] should be 10

4 doesn't seem to relate to the task. Unclear directions in task. What is myArr? It comes out of the blue.

Free Code Camp member

@W8sconsin thanks.

Yup There is a typo :
After queue(testArr, 10),myArr[4] should be 10
should be
After queue(testArr, 10),testArr[4] should be 10

Needs to be fixed here

Apart from that do you feel there is anything that is not clear in the challenge, please comment.

Thanks again.


That's more clear. Thanks for the help!


I have a fix coming

Free Code Camp member

@drk7891 Thanks!

@SaintPeter SaintPeter closed this in #7615
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