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Check for returned user object in unsubscribe logic #7686

BerkeleyTrue opened this Issue · 6 comments

4 participants

@BerkeleyTrue and does not verify whether the query actually returns a user instance, causing the server to crash hard and reboot.

Anyone up to adding a check for the user object on these?


I'd like to attempt a fix but I'm having trouble replicating the crash locally using the subscribe/unsubscribe buttons. Are there any additional steps or conditions required?


@BKinahan You'd need to navigate directly to the associated URLs using an email that does not exist in the database


@BerkeleyTrue Have been able to replicate this via the two lines mentioned in the initial issue writeup, and also with

I have a working solution that redirects to the /map page and issues the following flash info text:

Email address not found. Please update your Email preferences from your profile.

I believe this would be the expected behavior and follows the style of the other text alerts, but would would be open to suggestions for the wording and/or functionality.

Free Code Camp member

Verbiage looks fine to me.

Should we/can we include a URL that links directly to the settings page?


@SaintPeter I did think of that first, but if the issue is arising from a user visiting the /unsubscribe/[not-found-emailaddress] URL, they may not be signed in, in which case they are redirected to /map anyway and there is an additional text popup about needing to sign in to access /settings.

Edit: If you mean adding a link within the text popup, that could be effective, if it is possible. Would need a hint on the syntax for that to make sure I have it right :)

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