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    No due date Last updated 4 days ago
    0% complete
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    Past due by about 1 month Last updated 9 days ago
    To not only get everything translated into Spanish, which @vtamara ... (more)

    To not only get everything translated into Spanish, which @vtamara is heading, but get our route infrastructure and everything set so we can index it on our sitemap.

    If we can finish this by February 5, @vtamara can announce it at Saturday's Summit.

    20% complete
    4 open
    1 closed
    Past due by 18 days Last updated 4 days ago
    Moving to React.js Isomorphic SPA app. * This involves generatin... (more)

    Moving to React.js Isomorphic SPA app.

    • This involves generating API using Loopback.js (done)
    • Creating React.js Components.
    • Design Flux Structure (done)

    Sections of FCC will be ported overs starting with Challenges and ending with landing page.

    88% complete
    5 open
    39 closed
    Due by April 1, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    We want an alternate version of Free Code Camp's CSS designed for l... (more)

    We want an alternate version of Free Code Camp's CSS designed for low-light environments.

    0% complete
    2 open
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    Due by April 1, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    This set of features makes it easier for teachers to manage learner... (more)

    This set of features makes it easier for teachers to manage learners who are working through Free Code Camp as a part of an academic program.

    • As a teacher, I can view my learners' progress in a leaderboard-form.
    • As a teacher, I can get notifications as my learners progress.
    • As a teacher, I have access to an analytics dashboard that gives me high level summaries of how my learners are progressing.
    • As a learner, I can see the progress of the other learners in my class.
    0% complete
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    Due by April 1, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    We'd like to enable hotkeys for power users of ... (more)

    We'd like to enable hotkeys for power users of

    • I can toggle hotkeys on my code portfolio page
    • I can navigate around Free Code Camp using my keyboard only
    • I can edit and run code using my keyboard only
    • None of the hotkeys conflict with popular system command/control hotkeys for Windows, Mac or Linux.
    50% complete
    1 open
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    Due by April 2, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    We want campers to be able to build their front end and data visual... (more)

    We want campers to be able to build their front end and data visualization projects right on

    • I can edit JavaScript, HTML and CSS each in their own file or files
    • Libraries like jQuery, React, Animate.css and D3.js are available right off the bat.
    • I can code in ES6 and Sass.
    • I can refresh the preview of my code at any time.
    • I can share a link to the current version of my project and people can arrive and interact with it.
    • Other campers can fork my project, creating a clear chain of authorship.
    • I can export my project to GitHub.

    Note that we are not aiming to compete with CodePen, JSBin, JSFiddle or Plunkr. This will be much less featured than those tools. Our goal is to build something that is specifically useful for campers building front end and data visualization projects - without supporting all the additional use cases of those tools.

    Blocking milestones:

    0% complete
    0 open
    0 closed
    Due by May 6, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    User story: I can conveniently export my Free Code Camp challenge s... (more)

    User story: I can conveniently export my Free Code Camp challenge solutions to GitHub.

    Technically, it's not possible to do this through their API, so we'd need to create a workflow that is as straight forward and convenient as possible.

    • create a wiki article explaining an optimal process to do this.
    • attempt to convert that article's steps into a somewhat automated workflow that campers can initiate with a few button pushes or copy/pastes.
    0% complete
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    Due by May 6, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    - Campers can pair program right on - Campers can... (more)
    • Campers can pair program right on
    • Campers can navigate from one challenge to the next together.
    • Campers can talk via VOIP
    • Campers can easily find other campers who are working on the same challenge as them and initiate a pair session.

    Note that we've already tried Together.js and other kitchen sink solutions. We need to build a custom solution specific to Free Code Camp's use cases.

    Blocking milestones:

    0% complete
    0 open
    0 closed
    Due by May 6, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    Our goal is to create a downloadable, offline experience that campe... (more)

    Our goal is to create a downloadable, offline experience that campers can use while unable to connect to the internet. Here's a good example of how to do offline mode right:

    • I can visit Free Code Camp and download all the challenges.
    • I can complete all of Free Code Camp's challenges.
    • When I connect to the internet, I can push my local progress up to Free Code Camp's servers.

    Blocking milestones:

    0% complete
    1 open
    0 closed
    Due by May 6, 2016 Last updated 4 days ago
    Our goal is to build at least skeletal waypoints for the following:... (more)

    Our goal is to build at least skeletal waypoints for the following:

    • Sass
    • React
    • D3
    • Testing (framework TBD)

    I've created a GitHub issue for each of these.

    For each of these, we need to:
    1. create rough list (using checkboxes) of which concepts we want to teach, in what order
    2. start building the challenges
    3. QA the challenges and refine their copy

    Blocking milestones:

    0% complete
    4 open
    0 closed
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