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Edited error message for 'Change the Font Size of an Element' challenge #7556

wants to merge 1 commit into from

4 participants


Improved an error message on challenge from:

"Do not add a class attribute to the second p, without removing it from the first


"Do not add a class attribute to the second p. First p should have a class attribute and it's content should remain red."

Untested on local copy

closes #7546

@bugron bugron added the QA label
@raisedadead raisedadead commented on the diff
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
"assert($(\"p\").length > 1, 'message: You need 2 <code>p</code> elements with Kitty Ipsum text.');",
"assert(code.match(/<\\/p>/g) && code.match(/<\\/p>/g).length === code.match(/<p/g).length, 'message: Make sure each of your <code>p</code> elements has a closing tag.');",
"assert.isTrue((/Purr\\s+jump\\s+eat/gi).test($(\"p\").text()), 'message: Your <code>p</code> element should contain the first few words of the provided additional <code>kitty ipsum text</code>.');",
- "assert($(\"p:not([class])\").length === 1, 'message: Do not add a class attribute to the second <code>p</code> element, without removing it from the first one.');",
+ "assert($(\"p:not([class])\").length === 1, 'message: Do not add a class attribute to the second <code>p</code> element. The first <code>p</code> should have a class attribute and it's content should remain red.);",
Free Code Camp member

red.); has a missing '.
Should be red.');

Your code gives :


Free Code Camp member

Additionally please modify the sentence to something like:

The first p element should still have a class attribute and it's content should remain red.

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Free Code Camp member


You need to test the changes by running the gulp, before submitting.
After manually confirming, test cases need to be run as well with npm test.

Thanks again!

@raisedadead raisedadead added the blocked label
@ltegman ltegman removed the QA label
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