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changed http to https in HTML5 & CSS3 #7613

merged 1 commit into from

5 participants

Free Code Camp member

As described in title.

closes #7584
closes #7616


@AkiraLaine updated the pull request.

@raisedadead raisedadead commented on an outdated diff
@@ -1291,11 +1291,11 @@
"<p class=\"red-text\">Purr jump eat the grass rip the couch scratched sunbathe, shed everywhere rip the couch sleep in the sink fluffy fur catnip scratched.</p>"
"tests": [
- "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").length > 0, 'message: You need an <code>a</code> element that links to \"\".');",
+ "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").length > 0, 'message: You need an <code>a</code> element that links to \"\".');",
Free Code Camp member

To be reverted back to http ?

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@raisedadead raisedadead commented on an outdated diff
"assert($(\"a\").text().match(/cat\\sphotos/gi), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should have the anchor text of \"cat photos\"');",
"assert($(\"p\") && $(\"p\").length > 2, 'message: Create a new <code>p</code> element around your <code>a</code> element.');",
- "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().is(\"p\"), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should be nested within your new <code>p</code> element.');",
- "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().text().match(/^\\s*View\\smore\\s/gi), 'message: Your <code>p</code> element should have the text \"View more \" (with a space after it).');",
+ "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().is(\"p\"), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should be nested within your new <code>p</code> element.');",
Free Code Camp member

To be reverted back to http ?

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@raisedadead raisedadead commented on an outdated diff
"assert($(\"a\").text().match(/cat\\sphotos/gi), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should have the anchor text of \"cat photos\"');",
"assert($(\"p\") && $(\"p\").length > 2, 'message: Create a new <code>p</code> element around your <code>a</code> element.');",
- "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().is(\"p\"), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should be nested within your new <code>p</code> element.');",
- "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().text().match(/^\\s*View\\smore\\s/gi), 'message: Your <code>p</code> element should have the text \"View more \" (with a space after it).');",
+ "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().is(\"p\"), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should be nested within your new <code>p</code> element.');",
+ "assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").parent().text().match(/^\\s*View\\smore\\s/gi), 'message: Your <code>p</code> element should have the text \"View more \" (with a space after it).');",
Free Code Camp member

To be reverted back to http ?

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@raisedadead raisedadead commented on an outdated diff
@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@
"<h2 class=\"red-text\">CatPhotoApp</h2>",
- "<a href=\"\">cat photos</a>",
+ "<a href=\"\">cat photos</a>",
Free Code Camp member

To be reverted back to http ?

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@raisedadead raisedadead commented on an outdated diff
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@
"<h2 class=\"red-text\">CatPhotoApp</h2>",
- "<p>Click here for <a href=\"\">cat photos</a>.</p>",
+ "<p>Click here for <a href=\"\">cat photos</a>.</p>",
Free Code Camp member

To be reverted back to http ?

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@raisedadead raisedadead commented on an outdated diff
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@
"tests": [
"assert((/cat photos/gi).test($(\"a\").text()), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should have the <code>anchor text</code> of \"cat photos\".');",
- "assert(/http:\\/\\/freecatphotoapp\\.com/gi.test($(\"a\").attr(\"href\")), 'message: You need an <code>a</code> element that links to <code>http&#58;//</code>');",
+ "assert(/https:\\/\\/freecatphotoapp\\.com/gi.test($(\"a\").attr(\"href\")), 'message: You need an <code>a</code> element that links to <code>http&#58;//</code>');",
Free Code Camp member

To be reverted back to http ?

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Free Code Camp member

@AkiraLaine Seems you missed out on some of the reversals.
I'll take this up.

@raisedadead raisedadead added the blocked label

@AkiraLaine updated the pull request.

Free Code Camp member

This looks good by the diff and apparently should not break anything, but needs to be tested, while other wise good to go.

If anyone is available, please go ahead, else I'll be taking this up later today.

@bugron bugron commented on an outdated diff
@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@
"tests": [
"assert($(\"a[href=\\\"\\\"]\").length > 0, 'message: You need an <code>a</code> element that links to \"\".');",
- "assert($(\"a\").text().match(/cat\\sphotos/gi), 'message: Your <code>a</code> element should have the anchor text of \"cat photos\"');",
+ "assert($(\"a\").text().match(/cat\\sphotos/gi), 'mssage: Your <code>a</code> element should have the anchor text of \"cat photos\"');",
bugron added a note

You've changed message to mssage which is not correct.

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@bugron bugron commented on the diff
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@
"description": [
"You can add images to your website by using the <code>img</code> element, and point to a specific image's URL using the <code>src</code> attribute.",
"An example of this would be:",
- "<code>&#60img src=\"\"&#62</code>",
+ "<code>&#60img src=\"\"&#62</code>",
bugron added a note

On line 838 http://fonts.googleapis must be https://fonts.googleapis too.

Free Code Camp member

@bugron thanks for catching these.

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Also this PR closes 7616.

@AkiraLaine AkiraLaine changed http to https in HTML5 & CSS3
reverted freecatphotoapp links to http

reverted all freecatphotoapp links to http

fixed more issues

@AkiraLaine updated the pull request.

Free Code Camp member

Thanks @bugron for finding those. Updated description and PR :smile:

@abhisekp abhisekp commented on the diff
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
"Agora, vamos importar e aplicar um estilo de fonte por meio do Google Fonts.",
"Primeiro, faça um <code>chamado</code> ao Google Fonts para poder utilizar a fonte chamada <code>Lobster</code> e carregá-la em seu HTML.",
"Para fazer isso, copie o código abaixo e insira-o na parte superior de seu editor de texto:",
- "<code>&#60;link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"&#62;</code>",
+ "<code>&#60;link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"&#62;</code>",
Free Code Camp member

Use protocol independent link // for all the links

Free Code Camp member

Nope that's going to confuse people. Its better this way. But having said that this could be done in actual code logic for FCC but not in challenges.

Can be shocker to beginners.

Free Code Camp member

"shocker" :scream_cat: :scream: :scream_cat:
Haha :smile:
Right :+1:

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Free Code Camp member
@raisedadead raisedadead merged commit 842b026 into FreeCodeCamp:staging

1 check passed

Details continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr The Travis CI build passed
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