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added screenshots for hikes. png files are titled according to the te…

…xt overlay
  • Loading branch information...
1 parent 2187707 commit 84c19701bc400a2a9883fead79308fe0cd2090e2 @brianamarie brianamarie committed
Showing with 528 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +1 −0 .idea/.name
  2. +8 −0 .idea/hikes.iml
  3. +33 −0 .idea/misc.xml
  4. +8 −0 .idea/modules.xml
  5. +8 −0 .idea/typescript-compiler.xml
  6. +6 −0 .idea/vcs.xml
  7. +464 −0 .idea/workspace.xml
  8. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Big O Notation: A Few Examples.png
  9. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Big O Notation: What it is and Why You Should Care.png
  10. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Audits.png
  11. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Elements.png
  12. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Network.png
  13. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Sources.png
  14. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Summary.png
  15. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Timeline.png
  16. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Analog vs Digital.png
  17. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Binary Bytes.png
  18. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Chips and Moore's Law.png
  19. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Chrome JavaScript Console and How Logging Works.png
  20. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Content Delivery Networks.png
  21. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Data Networks.png
  22. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Decoding a Binary Number.png
  23. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How Routers and Packets Work.png
  24. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How Source Code Works.png
  25. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How To Measure Data Size.png
  26. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How Variables Work in Code.png
  27. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How the Internet Works.png
  28. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: IP Addresses.png
  29. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Intro to Binary Code.png
  30. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Measuring Data Speed.png
  31. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: More Computer Hardware.png
  32. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: More on the Motherboard.png
  33. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Security.png
  34. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Software.png
  35. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: The 4 Basic Parts of a Computer.png
  36. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Types of Computers.png
  37. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: What Do Programmers Do.png
  38. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Arrays and Objects.png
  39. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Finding and Indexing Data in Arrays.png
  40. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Loops.png
  41. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: MDN and Documentation.png
  42. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Manipulating Data.png
  43. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Math.png
  44. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Regular Expressions.png
  45. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Value Types.png
  46. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/The DOM: Style in the Header, Script in the Footer.png
  47. BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/The DOM: What's the Document Object Model.png
1 .idea/.name
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
8 .idea/hikes.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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33 .idea/misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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8 .idea/modules.xml
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8 .idea/typescript-compiler.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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6 .idea/vcs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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464 .idea/workspace.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Audits.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Network.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Sources.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Summary.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Chrome Dev Tools: Timeline.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Analog vs Digital.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Binary Bytes.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Chips and Moore's Law.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Chrome JavaScript Console and How Logging Works.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Content Delivery Networks.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Data Networks.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Decoding a Binary Number.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How Routers and Packets Work.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How Source Code Works.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How To Measure Data Size.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How Variables Work in Code.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: How the Internet Works.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: IP Addresses.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Intro to Binary Code.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Measuring Data Speed.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: More Computer Hardware.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: More on the Motherboard.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/Computer Basics: Software.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Finding and Indexing Data in Arrays.png
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BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/JavaScript Lingo: Loops.png
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Diff not rendered.
BIN videoThumbnails/preEdit/The DOM: What's the Document Object Model.png
Diff not rendered.

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