March 15, 2016 – March 22, 2016
Active Pull Requests
Active Issues
15 Pull requests merged by 5 people
- Merged #626 Add cities, Mar 21 2016
- Merged #625 fix typo
- Merged #622 Add cities, Mar 20 2016
- Merged #621 Add cities, Mar 19 2016
- Merged #617 Add cities, Mar 18 2016
- Merged #614 Text improvements - how to create a campsite
- Merged #583 Update Clementine installaton instructions
- Merged #612 Campsite additions
- Merged #599 Article: Untrack files from .gitignore
- Merged #575 Adding Ruby introduction
- Merged #586 Adds article back
- Merged #587 Updates format
- Merged #585 Update issues
- Merged #584 Deletes template
- Merged #581 Campsite additions
8 Pull requests proposed by 8 people
- Proposed #613 Create
- Proposed #616 Return 0 if str contained same letter
- Proposed #618 Updated algorithm challenge Update Inventory
- Proposed #619 Create a wiki article on installing CLI tools
- Proposed #620 Article: Front End Interview Questions
- Proposed #623 Java data types
- Proposed #624 Article: About Vagrant-Up
- Proposed #628 Campsites in JSON
1 Issue closed by 1 person
23 Issues created by 3 people
- Opened #615 Update function names to match main repository
- Opened #611 Create Article: Node Cluster Parallelism
- Opened #610 Create Article: Code Linting in HTML
- Opened #609 Create Article: Code Linting in CSS
- Opened #608 Create Article: Code Linting in JavaScript
- Opened #607 Create Article: Threading using Web Workers
- Opened #606 Create Article: Laying out using Flexbox
- Opened #605 Create Article: Responsive Image Loading using srcset
- Opened #604 Create Article: Testing Made Easy with Tape
- Opened #603 Create Article: Testing Made Easy with Jasmine
- Opened #602 Create Article: Testing Made Easy with Karma
- Opened #601 Create Article: Testing Made Easy with Mocha
- Opened #600 Create Article: JS Paradigms Simplified
- Opened #598 Create Article: IDEs Editors Demystified
- Opened #597 Create Article: Iteration Justified
- Opened #596 Create Article: Packing Bundling using Rollup
- Opened #595 Create Article: Packing Bundling using Browserify
- Opened #594 Create Article: Packing Bundling using Webpack
- Opened #593 Create Article: Hell to Heaven using function* generator
- Opened #592 Create Article: Hell to Heaven using async/await
- Opened #591 Create Article: Hell to Heaven using Promise library
- Opened #590 Create Article: Hell to Heaven using JS Promises
- Opened #588 Missing Images from How-to-start-when-you-are-stuck-(II)
6 Unresolved conversations
Sometimes conversations happen on old items that aren’t yet closed. Here is a list of all the Issues and Pull Requests with unresolved conversations.
- 4 new comments Open #536 Add Campsite JSON File
- 3 new comments Open #534 Wiki Request - New Articles on Java are required
- 0 new comments Open #565 Improve Translations Guide.
- 0 new comments Open #304 List of seemingly inactive campsites.
- 0 new comments Open #509 Wiki request - New Wiki Articles for Python are required
- 0 new comments Open #574 [WIP] Update Translations Guide.