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Contains some custom Orchard content types. Successor of the Hierarchical Pages module.
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Orchard Content Types Readme

Project Description

Contains some custom Orchard content types. Successor of the Hierarchical Pages module.


  • Hierarchical Pages:
    • Hiearchical Page content type
    • Can contain other pages and can be contained
  • Content Links:
    • Content Link items are links to other content items
    • Can be used to e.g. add links that point to ProjectionPages to a Projection



After installation you'll see new features, each containing a content type:

  • Hierarchical Pages: items of type Hierarchical Page can contain other such items and they're containable too (with the Container/Containable parts). The url slug of items will contain the slug of their parent by default.
  • Content Links: content Link items are links to other content items that can be used to e.g. add links that point to ProjectionPages to a Projection.

See the Version history.

You can install the module from the Gallery.

The module's source is available in two public source repositories, automatically mirrored in both directions with Git-hg Mirror:

Bug reports, feature requests and comments are warmly welcome, please do so via GitHub. Feel free to send pull requests too, no matter which source repository you choose for this purpose.

This project is developed by Lombiq Technologies Ltd. Commercial-grade support is available through Lombiq.

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