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Commits on Jul 9, 2015
  1. @adam-lynch

    Merge pull request #146 from Ranks/develop

    adam-lynch committed
  2. @adam-lynch


    adam-lynch committed
Commits on Jul 8, 2015
  1. @adam-lynch

    Small fix for :o and :OI

    adam-lynch committed
Commits on Jul 7, 2015
  1. @adam-lynch

    Merge pull request #142 from adam-lynch/open_mouth_short

    adam-lynch committed
    Interprets :o and :O
  2. @adam-lynch

    Interprets :o and :O

    adam-lynch committed
Commits on Jun 26, 2015
  1. @hassankhan

    Merge pull request #140 from mshenfield/develop

    hassankhan committed
    Fix #139. Remove old files on 'gulp update'.
  2. @mshenfield

    Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

    mshenfield committed
  3. @mshenfield

    Updated permissions from 644 to 775

    mshenfield committed
    For some reason regenerating the images placed them on my machine
    with restricted access. This commit stops these files from preventing
    things like `ls` `git pull` and other common commands.
Commits on Jun 24, 2015
  1. @hassankhan
  2. @hassankhan

    Merge branch 'release/1.0.5'

    hassankhan committed
  3. @hassankhan

    Ran gulp bump

    hassankhan committed
  4. @hassankhan

    Updated gulpfile

    hassankhan committed
  5. @hassankhan

    Ran gulp update

    hassankhan committed
  6. @hassankhan
  7. @hassankhan

    Merge branch 'release/1.0.4'

    hassankhan committed
  8. @hassankhan

    Fix for npm package issues

    hassankhan committed
Commits on Jun 16, 2015
  1. @mshenfield

    Changed 'background' to 'background-image' in 'dist/css/data-uri/*'

    mshenfield committed
    Running the automated build using `gulp clean`, `gulp update`, and `gulp compile`
    uses attribute 'background-image' instead of 'background' in all '.css' files. Have
    css-sprite v0.9.9 installed.
  2. @mshenfield

    Fix #139. Remove old files on 'gulp update'.

    mshenfield committed
    Added a single line to the gulp.js file.  The directory './src/images/emoji'
    is deleted when `gulp update` is called, and then populated from the master
    branch of as usual.
    I ran `gulp clean`, `gulp update`, and `gulp compile`, removing 4 defunct
    emoji images and a css file inside the 'src/images/emoji' folder. This also
    removed these items from the 'dist/images/basic' folder, and caused each
    of the sprit '.png' and '.css' files to be augmented, since 4 fewer images
    were included.
    I had some issues with file permissions running these commands.  The were
    saved to disk with permissions `rw-r--r--` (644). I had to manually change them
    back to their original permissions of `rwxrwxr-x` (755).  Some files were
    also 644 by default, including `dist/css/basic/emojify[.min].css` and
    I did not include the `dist/css/data-uri/` folder, though the '.css' files
    were also changed by removing sprites. For some reason, the `background`
    attribute was replaced by `background-image`. I'll commit
    them next, and can push them up as needed.
Commits on Jun 12, 2015
  1. @hassankhan
  2. @hassankhan

    Merge branch 'release/1.0.3'

    hassankhan committed
  3. @hassankhan
Commits on May 20, 2015
  1. @hassankhan
  2. @hassankhan

    Merge branch 'release/1.0.2'

    hassankhan committed
  3. @hassankhan

    Releasing version 1.0.2

    hassankhan committed
  4. @hassankhan
  5. @hassankhan

    Merge pull request #136 from kambayashia/feature/update-css

    hassankhan committed
    Feature/update css
Commits on May 17, 2015
  1. update gulp-image-data-uri

    atsushi-kambayashi committed
Commits on May 15, 2015
  1. update dist css

    atsushi-kambayashi committed
  2. added background-size

    atsushi-kambayashi committed
Commits on Mar 24, 2015
  1. @hassankhan

    Merge pull request #126 from 42School/develop

    hassankhan committed
    Preventing the className calls on SVG elements
Commits on Mar 12, 2015
  1. @lambda2

    Instead of a standard dom node, the `className` method on a SVG eleme…

    lambda2 committed
    …nt will return an `SVGAnimatedString` instead of a string, wich doesnt implements the `match` method.
Commits on Feb 10, 2015
  1. @hassankhan

    I'm a twat

    hassankhan committed
  2. @hassankhan
Commits on Feb 9, 2015
  1. @hassankhan
  2. @hassankhan
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