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fixed preprocessing_benchmark for new data and game_converter structure

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1 parent 78cf9f2 commit 44d0b03caee15b52c361af4e656c2a3c56856a4e @wrongu wrongu committed
Showing with 195 additions and 2 deletions.
  1. +6 −2 benchmarks/
  2. +189 −0 tests/test_data/sgf/Lee-Sedol-vs-AlphaGo-20160309.sgf
8 benchmarks/
@@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
test_features = ["board", "turns_since", "liberties", "capture_size", "self_atari_size", "liberties_after", "sensibleness", "zeros"]
gc = game_converter()
-args = ('tests/test_sgfs/AlphaGo-vs-Lee-Sedol-20160310-first10only.sgf', test_features)
+args = ('tests/test_data/sgf/Lee-Sedol-vs-AlphaGo-20160309.sgf', test_features)
-prof.runcall(gc.convert_game, *args)
+def run_convert_game():
+ for traindata in gc.convert_game(*args):
+ pass
189 tests/test_data/sgf/Lee-Sedol-vs-AlphaGo-20160309.sgf
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[7200]OT[3x60 byo-yomi]
+PW[AlphaGo]PB[Lee Sedol]BR[9d]DT[2016-03-09]EV[Google DeepMind Challenge Match]RO[Game 1]PC[Seoul, Korea]WT[Computer]BT[Human]SO[]RE[W+Resign]

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