Itinerary: Lazy time scheduling toolset for .NET
Release 1.0, 2011-06-23
GitHub repo:
Shawn Poulson,
What does Itinerary do?
- Describe an abstract schedule of timed events as an expression, such as the equivalent of:
"Every Friday at 5:30 pm for 1 hour, except on holidays", for any given time range. - Parse expressions to an Itinerary
object at runtime. ISchedule
of timed events within any given time range.- Perform complex boolean set math on schedules.
- Change
properties programmatically, then reserialize back to TDL expression string.
What doesn't Itinerary do?
- Does not actively run tasks on a schedule. That's your job.
For that, check out Quartz.NET and theItineraryTrigger
class in the solution. - Does not perform timezone interpretation or computation. All date/times are timezone agnostic.
Why use Itinerary?
- Lightweight, stateless, lazily generate events on demand.
- You need to integrate a cron-like scheduler into your app.
- You already use a scheduler, like Quartz.NET, but need more powerful scheduling logic.
- You need to logically describe arbitrary or complex recurrance patterns.
- You need to forecast scheduled timed events.
- You need to store the recurrance logic (not the events) for later reuse.
How do I get started using Itinerary?
- Learn TDL expression syntax from the Itinerary Wiki on GitHub:
- Test TDL expression syntax using the TDL Explorer tool in the solution.
- Check out the example projects.
- Refer to unit tests for usage reference.
Development requirements:
- Visual Studio 2010 (Professional edition or better required for unit test execution).
- Java SE JDK (optional, required to recompile ANTLR grammar).
- Expl.Itinerary.Quartz project includes Quartz 1.0.3 and Common.Logging 2.0. You may need to update references depending on your requirements.
- (Build output contains Common.Logging assembly)
Runtime requirements:
- .NET 4.0 Framework.
None reported at time of release.
See GitHub repo for issue tracking.
Itinerary is an open source project licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license:
ANTLR 3.2 binary tools and .NET runtime are included in the Expl.Itinerary.Parser project, allowable under ANTLR's BSD license terms: