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Latest commit 78d32f0 @abhisekp Added GitChat
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Create Music on Go

A music beat box to play music by selecting the beats of corresponding instruments. BeatBox App

Video Demo:

Audio Demo:


  • Play & Stop music or Reset player to default
  • Change Playback speed
  • Many types of Drum Kit instruments

Concepts Used

  • Package [com.abhisekp]
  • Class [encapsulation of methods(behaviour) and fields(variables or state)]
  • Class member access specifier [public, private]
  • Swing GUI API [JFrame, JPanel, BoxLayout, GridLayout, JButton, JCheckbox]
  • Event Listeners [addActionListener()]
  • Inner class or Anonymous class [used to add event listeners]
  • Sound API [Sequencer, Sequence, Track, MidiEvent]

Building - main class


  • Java SE 7+ SDK (Reason: Using Override & Anonymous class)
  • Java IDE (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA, Netbeans, Eclipse, etc) (optional)

Compiling from Source (manually)

All sources in com.abhisekp package

In Windows

cd src\ && mkdir ..\out\
javac -d ..\out\ com\abhisekp\

In Linux

cd src/ && mkdir ../out/
javac -d ../out/ com/abhisekp/

Running Manually Built

In Windows

cd ..\out\
java com.abhisekp.BeatBox

In Linux

cd ../out/
java com.abhisekp.BeatBox

Running Packaged jar

java -jar "Mini Music Player.jar"

Import in Eclipse (Windows, OSX, Linux, Automatic)

How to import BeatBox sources in Eclipse see here

Future (TODOs)

  • Save & Load Midi files from FileSystem (.wav or .midi)
  • Send Midi using Network
  • Chat server & client to transmit music between peers
  • Upload Midi music to Online Sound Storage services (e.g. SoundCloud)

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