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A slack client with just tabs
CoffeeScript CSS HTML JavaScript
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Latest commit 38a488d @atmos Merge pull request #22 from fabianperez/tab-fixes
Tab fixes


Electrogram is a SlackHQ desktop client written in Electron and ReactJS.

Chat Tokens

Grab an authorization token from the Slack Docs. You can provide an array of tokens for each slack team name that you're a part of. Add them to ~/.electrogram.json.

  "channels": [
    { "name": "atmos#general", "alias": "peeps" },
    { "name" :"atmos#hubot-test" }
  "tokens": [


% npm i
% electron .

You can also it launch it with devtools enabled.

% DEBUG=true electron .


You can test by running the following.

% npm install
% npm test

:revolving_hearts: :smiley_cat: :smiley:

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