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A Framer.js template for Middleman
Ruby CoffeeScript
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source Upgrade Framer
.gitignore Basic middleman app
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Gemfile.lock Basic middleman app Add Link to related projects
config.rb Basic middleman app


A basic template for Framer applications with Middleman.

Start a new Framer app

gem install middleman
git clone ~/.middleman/framer
middleman init my_new_framer_project --template=framer
cd my_new_framer_project

Run the application with middleman server

Start editing my_new_framer_project/source/ to start adding views.

Why is this interesting?

Middleman gets you a ton of things for free that will help organize your Framer prototypes:

  • Use CoffeeScript, Sass, ERB or anything else that you like that works with Sprockets (which is almost everything).
  • Break up JavaScript into small, reusable components and use require to include what you need in
  • Publish to GitHub Pages (or anywhere using Jekyll) and send your team URLs for mocks and prototypes.
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