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The Blog Arrives

The blog is finally here. This is where we’re gonna drop all sorts of Git and GitHub related eggs of knowledge: new features, upcoming features, bug fixes, etc etc.

Also, the promised per-project wikis are now live. Check out Backpacking’s for a modest start to a modest framework’s documentation.

As always, please keep filling up the feature request and bug report guide pages. We’re always watching.

Hotkeys and Wikis

Hey everyone, welcome to GitHub. Keep your feedreader pointed here for daily updates on new features, bug fixes, and general gitbauchery.

First up: we just enabled hotkeys for trees and the commit list. When viewing any repository, like my Ambition repo, you can hit c or t or p to be taken to the commit, the tree, or the parent.

When viewing the commit list on a repo, again using my Ambition repo’s list as a point of reference, you can use j to select a single commit or move to another commit, then use c or t or p to go to that commit’s diff page, tree, or parent. Just like in Gmail and Vim, k will move you up.

Definitely for power users, but something I’m using constantly already. We’ll be adding more hotkeys and a cheat sheet listing them all soon.

Oh yeah, and per-project wikis are coming soon. Real soon.

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