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Today, we’re launching a completely redesigned homepage for GitHub Enterprise, the private, installable version of GitHub running on your servers. Beyond the visual changes, we’ve tightened up the copy to better communicate what Enterprise is and how it works. Current Enterprise users will see a redesigned dashboard and more when they sign in.

Check out the new GitHub Enterprise, still the best way to build and ship software on your servers.


GitHub Enterprise 11.10.290 Release

We're excited to announce the latest release of GitHub Enterprise. We're shipping this version with our new Command Bar, User Profile Pages, and much more. Along with a variety of general improvements and adjustments, this new release brings the following features from

In addition, we're also including several new Enterprise specific features:

Audit Logs

We've had detailed audit logs that we use from for quite some time now. After a lot of work, this same audit logging system is now available in Enterprise. This means that Security History for users and repositories is now available:

There are also push logs for every repository that let you track commits made by users – including which IP the push originated from, the protocol the push occurred over, the user agent for the client that was used, and the SHA before and after the push. Force pushes are noted when they occur:

These logs are included in the log forwarding streams, so you can save them remotely in secure locations for compliance reasons or for better searchability.

Improved Search Backend

Over the last few months, we've been working hard to improve the search experience. We've completely replaced the old backend with ElasticSearch. User, Repository, and Code searching is much faster, with more consistent indexing behavior, and yields better results.

Maintenance Mode

There's now a method to put the installation into maintenance mode. While in this mode, users will be directed to a maintenance page when attempting to browse to the installation and git operations will be rejected with a maintenance message.

Any installation admin can enable maintenance mode at any time via the Management Console. The support email address that's mentioned can be customized as well.

Updated Management Console UI

The UI for the Management Console has had a bit of a touchup:

We hope you enjoy these features as much as we do. Don't forget that there is more information available about GitHub Enterprise at You can also see the full release notes here.

GitHub Enterprise 11.10.280 Release

We're excited to announce the latest release of GitHub Enterprise. We've been working hard to bring you the most recent features from, and we're shipping this version with our new Commit Status API included, and much more. Along with a variety of general improvements and adjustments, this new release brings the following features from

In addition, we're also including several new Enterprise specific features:

Subversion Bridge

For quite some time has had full support for using subversion clients to interact with git repositories hosted there. This feature wasn't really widely known, which resulted in a more recent blog post detailing how it can be used.

Support for this feature was not immediately available with GitHub Enterprise, but has been widely requested. We're extremely happy to announce that this release of Enterprise now includes the full Subversion Bridge that's available in! After upgrading, it can be taken advantage of immediately with no additional configuration.

New GitHub Enterprise Header Design

One of the benefits of having GitHub Enterprise is that it's nearly identical to Unfortunately, it can almost be too identical and it was possible to mix up which site you were on. With this change it will be easier to differentiate whether you're visiting or your own GitHub Enterprise installation by taking a look at Enterprise's new gorgeous header:

Log Forwarding

Now, you can centralize the logs produced by GitHub Enterprise by forwarding them to your own logging servers. We're using rsyslog to stream application and server logs out of the appliance for your convenience – you just need to specify an endpoint that can consume forwarded syslog data (e.g., logstash and splunk):

VirtualBox Guest Additions Installer

Beginning with the 11.10.260 release, we've included a utility to help install VMware Tools on Enterprise installations running in VMware environments. Beginning with this release, we're also including a utility to help install VirtualBox Guest Additions. You can get instructions on how to do this here.

New CLI Utilities

We're also including a couple new CLI utilities to help manage the appliance:

  • ghe-vm-reboot – Not all GitHub Enterprise appliance administrators have direct access to the hypervisor the VM is running on. Previously, they might have to go through a separate VM management team to perform a system reboot if that were necessary. Now this is possible by using this script.
  • ghe-repo-repair – This utility will detect any repositories on-disk that may have incorrect permissions on the server. If any are detected, you can optionally correct those permissions as well.
$ ghe-repo-repair -f
 --> Checking for repositories with bad permissions...
 --> Fixing permissions for /data/repositories/gist/1.git...
 --> * Fixing ownership permissions...
 --> * Fixing directory permissions...
 --> * Fixing file permissions...
 --> Done.

Updated Admin Tools UI

The UI for the Admin Tools dashboard has been updated to be more consistent with how settings are represented in the user account settings area:

Administrative actions are now grouped more logically and have better descriptions as well.

Sticky Protocol Selection

This feature has actually been on for a while, but wasn't announced on the blog. Some users prefer SSH over the now default HTTP protocol for cloning. Now the last protocol a user selected will be remembered when viewing any other repository page or creating a new repository. The instructions displayed on empty repositories for what to do next will also display the appropriate steps based on that preference.

We hope you enjoy these features as much as we do. Don't forget that there is more information available about GitHub Enterprise at

GitHub Enterprise 11.10.270 Release

We're announcing the latest release of GitHub Enterprise. This latest release will incorporate the following new features from along with a myriad of tweaks, adjustments, and improvements that we're constantly working on:

In addition to that, we're also announcing several new Enterprise-specific features:

Configurable Time Zone & NTP Settings

The ability to configure the time zone and NTP servers GitHub Enterprise uses through our Management Console has been something we've received a lot of requests for. We're happy to announce that this is now possible.

Ability to Disable Gravatars

On, all avatars are displayed using the Gravatar service (originally written by our very own @mojombo). This works great on, but you may not want referrer information leaking to those servers from your Enterprise installation. You're now able to disable Gravatars and they're now disabled by default as of this release.

Improved Configuration Page

There's now more indication of how far you are through the configuration process when changing settings on your installation. It also gives you some idea of the progress that's occurring as it happens. Keep in mind this will only show up the next time you save settings or upgrade after upgrading to this release.

Additional CLI Utilities

Our last release opened up limited SSH access to Enterprise administrators. With this release we're continuing to add to the CLI utilities we included in that release. Here's a quick breakdown of the new tools:

  • ghe-user-suspend / ghe-user-unsuspend - allows you to suspend or unsuspend users directly from the CLI
  • ghe-logs-tail - allows you to easily tail relevant log files without having to dig for them
  • ghe-diskusage - allows you to gather du information for areas the admin user doesn't typically have access

You can get more information about GitHub Enterprise at

GitHub Enterprise 11.10.260 Release

We're excited to announce the latest release of GitHub Enterprise. The response to the product since its launch last November has blown us away and we'd like to tell you about a few of the great things we've been working on to make it even better.

With few exceptions all new features introduced on have been released in Enterprise within a week or two of their announcements. This latest release will incorporate the following new features from

In addition to that, we're also excited to announce several new Enterprise-specific features:


We're happy to announce the release of SNMP support, expanding the monitoring options available for your GitHub Enterprise installation. This is a standard SNMP installation, so you can take advantage of the many plugins available for Nagios or the monitoring system of your choice.

Suspending User Accounts

Perhaps one of the most requested features we've had to date is an easy way to disable user accounts to free up seats when an employee leaves your company. With this release, we've added the capability to suspend user accounts. This will prevent the disabled user from logging in, pulling, or pushing code -- it will also free up the seat allowing you to add a new user! All of the user's comments, issues, repositories, etc. will remain available and the account can easily be unsuspended at a later date.

SSH Access

Since we released back in November, there has been much demand for some level of SSH access to our appliance. Starting with this release, we're providing limited SSH access along with a host of CLI utilities.

Deny Force Pushes

We've also included the capability to toggle a setting for a repository that will deny force pushes. We're planning on expanding this functionality in the future to be more flexible, but for now it's a good way to prevent people from rewriting the history of a repository's master branch if you want!

VMware Tools Installer

Since the Enterprise launch, we've been using Open VM Tools on our appliance -- which is an open-source release of VMware Tools. Unfortunately, this has not really kept feature-parity with the official VMware Tools distribution and has resulted in some VMware-specific features not working properly. As of this release we're including a utility that will let you uninstall Open VM Tools and install the version of VMware Tools compatible with your version of ESXi.

We have a lot of great new features for Enterprise that are coming up on the horizon, so stay tuned! You can get more information about GitHub Enterprise at

Introducing GitHub Enterprise

Today we're launching GitHub Enterprise: a self-hosted GitHub for your company.

GitHub Enterprise

Easy, Secure, and Powerful

GitHub Enterprise has all the great stuff you've come to expect from GitHub: commit histories, code browsing, compare views, pull requests, issues, wikis, gists, organizations and team management, powerful APIs, and a beautiful web interface. With GitHub Enterprise, you can run those features locally, on your own server.

But we've also built a lot more into GitHub Enterprise. Support for LDAP and CAS so you can use your existing corporate authentication systems. Full system backups of all of your data. We also help you set up access over HTTPS so you can be safe and secure.

When you own the server, you can do some very cool things.

Technically Speaking

We first launched the precursor to GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Firewall Install, over two years ago. As it's grown into a bigger part of our business, we've learned to design a great, installable product. GitHub Enterprise is the result of the last twelve months of hard work.

GitHub Enterprise is delivered in the industry-standard OVF format, which means you'll be able to run it on virtualization layers like VMware, VirtualBox, and Oracle VM. Once installed, we'll take you through a brief setup, then you'll be off and running.


GitHub Enterprise is priced at $5,000 per 20 users, per year. It comes with everything you need in one tidy package: code browsing, code review, issue tracking, wikis. No extra software to buy, no extra software to install, no extra software to manage.

There's even a free 45-day trial. We think you'll love it.

Use GitHub. You're in Good Company.

Check out the GitHub Enterprise FAQ for more details, sign up for a free trial, or ping us directly at if you have questions- we'd love to hear from you.

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