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@chalk @vorpaljs
dthree commented on issue dthree/wat#50

Thanks. Yeah, haven't had a chance to finish yet. Will release at some point.

dthree pushed to master at dthree/cash
dthree commented on issue nodejs/node#2890

Meh. I'll do more research on it, and if I can get a better reproduction I'll file a more complete bug.

dthree commented on pull request dthree/cash#71

:+1: sorry for the delay

dthree pushed to master at dthree/cash
dthree merged pull request dthree/cash#71
Add which command using npm module which
4 commits with 406 additions and 4 deletions
dthree starred koajs/koa
dthree commented on pull request dthree/cash#76

Hey, looks cool. Thanks. What's the drill when the docs go out of date? To clarify, suppose I update the layout and CSS, however later want to rege…

fix typo
1 commit with 1 addition and 1 deletion
dthree commented on issue shelljs/shelljs#398

Okay nice. Makes sense. When I was first playing with SHJS, I was a bit surprised on the String extension, but I figured there were just two sides …

dthree commented on issue shelljs/shelljs#398

Agreed. It's kind of awkward that ShellJS is not v1.0, when it has been such a stable part of the Node ecosystem for so long and is in production u…

dthree closed issue dthree/vorpal#135
Question: Where is the interactive menu like Inquirer.js
dthree commented on issue dthree/vorpal#135

Hey, no problem. Inquirer.js is directly exposed through this.prompt while mid an action. This means you can just refer to Inquirer's documentation…

dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#74

Okay thanks. Will check out!

dthree closed issue dthree/cash#73
Trying to open vim hangs cash
dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#73

No problem, thanks for reporting :+1:

dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#73

Absolutely. :+1:

dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#73

@nfischer we can. At the time I wrote it, I was solely running Cash on Linux for development convenience, didn't expect anyone to use it on Linux w…

dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#73

That's why I was confused. On Linux, Cash intentionally doesn't try to run external commands. And you wouldn't have Vim on Windows.

dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#73

What OS and version?

dthree commented on pull request dthree/cash#71

Thanks! Will do final review shortly.

dthree closed issue dthree/cash#72
Consider a switch to reaction voting instead of wiki editing for roadmap priority setting
dthree commented on issue dthree/cash#72

Very true! However, The current votes would be lost, which I wouldn't want to do. Next time!

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