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The missing package manager for OS X.
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Pull request Compare This branch is 1718 commits behind Homebrew:master.
Latest commit 4d16956 @nijikon nijikon pgtune: audit fixes


Features, usage and installation instructions are summarised on the homepage.

What Packages Are Available?

  1. Type brew search for a list.
  2. Or visit to browse packages online.
  3. Or use brew search --desc to browse packages from the command line.

More Documentation

brew help, man brew or check our documentation.


First, please run brew update and brew doctor.

Second, read the Troubleshooting Checklist.

If you don't read these it will take us far longer to help you with your problem.


Please report security issues to

This is our PGP key which is valid until June 17, 2016.

Who Are You?

Homebrew's current maintainers are Misty De Meo, Andrew Janke, Xu Cheng, Mike McQuaid, Baptiste Fontaine, Brett Koonce, Martin Afanasjew, Dominyk Tiller, Tim Smith and Alex Dunn.

Former maintainers with significant contributions include Jack Nagel, Adam Vandenberg and Homebrew's creator: Max Howell.


Code is under the BSD 2 Clause (NetBSD) license. Documentation is under the Creative Commons Attribution license.


Our CI infrastructure was paid for by our Kickstarter supporters.

Our CI infrastructure is hosted by The Positive Internet Company.

Our bottles (binary packages) are hosted by Bintray.

Downloads by Bintray

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