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cool ci demo
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Latest commit b80b23e @muan muan Add ci badge to zhtw readme


cool ci demo

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try things here

test being tested

  1. fork and add a new branch
  2. add a new .md file on said branch
  3. file should contain only emoji codes and/or <br> for tests to pass
  4. send me a pull request

test adding tests

  1. pull request new tests here
  2. watch the build go

steps to setup your own

  1. write some tests, like 2c8e4ab
  2. add .travis.yml, like 5e662a6
  3. sign up for travisci
  4. turn on ci for your repository on travis
  5. :tada:


Because I wondered how to get started and then I got started after googling forever. Hope this saves someone's forever.

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