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Notable changes to Draft.js will be documented in this file.

Changes to src are live in production on at the time of release.

0.3.0 (March 22, 2016)


  • Properly extract custom inline styles for convertToRaw
  • Fix internal paste behavior to better handle copied custom blocks


  • Export getVisibleSelectionRect
  • Export convertFromHTML
  • Export DraftEditorBlock

0.2.2 (March 9, 2016)


  • Build before publish to get the warning suppression in place correctly

0.2.1 (March 9, 2016)


  • React 15 RC as peer/dev dependency, provide suppressContentEditableWarning

0.2.0 (March 8, 2016)


  • Move white-space: pre-wrap into inline style to resolve insertion issues
  • handleDrop prop method for Editor to allow manual drop management
  • decoratedText prop for decorator components
  • getVisibleSelectionRect, to provide Rect for DOM selection
  • Export KeyBindingUtil and getDefaultKeyBinding


  • Triple-clicks followed by block type changes now only affect first block
  • DraftEditorLeaf now re-renders correctly when its styles change
  • Backspace behavior within empty code blocks

0.1.0 (February 22, 2016)

  • Initial public release
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