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Commits on Mar 23, 2016
  1. @hellendag

    Release 0.3.0

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Summary: Closes #225
    Differential Revision: D3085667
    fb-gh-sync-id: 8b0b4d605f5fbeffd7a4e9e87abd70957a59aa7b
    shipit-source-id: 8b0b4d605f5fbeffd7a4e9e87abd70957a59aa7b
Commits on Mar 17, 2016
  1. @mitermayer

    missing-headers-on-convertFromHTMLToContentBlocks - Including missing…

    mitermayer committed with Facebook Github Bot 3
    Summary:This fixes issue #206
    - Adding missing headers for convertFromHTMLToContentBlocks
    Closes #207
    Reviewed By: ezequiel
    Differential Revision: D3053014
    fb-gh-sync-id: 8cf5eaab6b85352d177620e1421023da0b92e295
    shipit-source-id: 8cf5eaab6b85352d177620e1421023da0b92e295
  2. @pdillon

    Extract inline styles from contentBlock

    pdillon committed with Facebook Github Bot 8
    Summary:Addresses #153 by extracting the style key strings from the content block.
    Closes #217
    Reviewed By: ezequiel
    Differential Revision: D3060659
    fb-gh-sync-id: 7752f4f6477e61d239c9b945857fd1acca77ff42
    shipit-source-id: 7752f4f6477e61d239c9b945857fd1acca77ff42
Commits on Mar 12, 2016
  1. @gscottolson

    Improve `html` styles

    gscottolson committed with Facebook Github Bot 6
    Summary:When the browser is narrower than `.container` or taller than the content, `<html>` `background-color` is visible:
    <p align="center">
      <img src="" width="400">
    _You can also see this issue if you decrease the browser’s zoom level._
    - De-dupe the `html` selector
    - Move `body` `background-color` to `html`
    - Remove `body` rule
    - :abc: `html` properties
    Closes #201
    Differential Revision: D3045903
    fb-gh-sync-id: 53a4b4f211fb3329f33ed7e1054b51c8fd7d703d
    shipit-source-id: 53a4b4f211fb3329f33ed7e1054b51c8fd7d703d
  2. Exporting getVisibleSelectionRect

    Mayank Hinger committed with Facebook Github Bot 8
    Summary:Exporting getVisibleSelectionRect utility as discussed in the last comment of #169. This is needed to get the boundingClientRect for the visible DOM selection.
    Closes #199
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D3042677
    fb-gh-sync-id: 81f08c004eebba412dff70f224a2519fdb3a6808
    shipit-source-id: 81f08c004eebba412dff70f224a2519fdb3a6808
Commits on Mar 11, 2016
  1. @alunyov


    alunyov committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D3040295
    fb-gh-sync-id: 409881cb25b7257b20e4ec7a32986bbaf174eaa1
    shipit-source-id: 409881cb25b7257b20e4ec7a32986bbaf174eaa1
  2. @zpao

    Make some dist build changes

    zpao committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Summary:- Inline `process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'` checks
    - Compress CSS
    - Add copyright headers to dist files
    It's not a *huge* difference on the size front but definitely better. And the copyright thing is something we should do regardless of the rest.
    <img width="591" alt="screen shot 2016-03-09 at 4 26 17 pm" src="">
    Closes #189
    Differential Revision: D3034186
    fb-gh-sync-id: ede05fcc42f4d3831edcd809adb204f3f6ddf8f2
    shipit-source-id: ede05fcc42f4d3831edcd809adb204f3f6ddf8f2
  3. @zpao

    Ensure we're using latest fbjs alpha

    zpao committed with Facebook Github Bot 1
    Summary:Fresh installs will be already be using this but upgrades might not be, so lets just guarantee it
    Closes #193
    Differential Revision: D3041517
    fb-gh-sync-id: 3092033de7152bdd267e8b48c58892764c930ebd
    shipit-source-id: 3092033de7152bdd267e8b48c58892764c930ebd
  4. @kennethormandy

    Updates Quick Start examples to run as expected

    kennethormandy committed with Facebook Github Bot 2
    Summary:Hey! Thanks so much for the hard work on this project. I’m just making my way through the documentation now, and I couldn’t get the Quick Start examples to run until I made the following changes.
    I have very little React experience, and even less with ES2015 stuff—it’s entirely possible I just misunderstood something in all these cases. Regardless, the examples didn’t work as-is for me, and to the best of my understand, these changes fix that.
    The one change I made that was maybe more of an opinion was turning:
    const {editorState} = this.state;
    return <Editor editorState={editorState} onChange={this.onChange} />
    return <Editor editorState={this.state.editorState} onChange={this.onChange} />
    …which just reduced the complexity for me at the beginning, and had more in common with the initial Input example.
    Closes #180
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D3034470
    fb-gh-sync-id: c99ba4e24dd42a2c5a0634dfcc6c8faab8cd5b7c
    shipit-source-id: c99ba4e24dd42a2c5a0634dfcc6c8faab8cd5b7c
Commits on Mar 10, 2016
  1. @CLowbrow

    Expose html to block converter through Draft object

    CLowbrow committed with Facebook Github Bot 2
    Summary:Optional second parameter to pass in a function that will generate a dom element from whichever implementation.
    Should help with #55
    Closes #174
    Reviewed By: hellendag
    Differential Revision: D3023635
    fb-gh-sync-id: 71b83c05610279d67c6e84f29565ed645bc4be30
    shipit-source-id: 71b83c05610279d67c6e84f29565ed645bc4be30
  2. @hellendag

    Improve internal paste behavior

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 8
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D3025262
    fb-gh-sync-id: c22dfcc271e0867ad0e0e81f76d4a51a08cca860
    shipit-source-id: c22dfcc271e0867ad0e0e81f76d4a51a08cca860
  3. @zpao

    Run build on prepublish so we don't publish incomplete packages

    zpao committed with Facebook Github Bot 3
    Summary: Closes #186
    Differential Revision: D3033435
    fb-gh-sync-id: 8b344b681508e26fa878d093c2e666eb9b49da78
    shipit-source-id: 8b344b681508e26fa878d093c2e666eb9b49da78
Commits on Mar 9, 2016
  1. @hellendag

    Release 0.2.2

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 0
    Summary:Oops. Looks like I need to run build before publishing.
    Closes #184
    Differential Revision: D3032243
    fb-gh-sync-id: e1c3c50df95f186e86c2e14dce96fe83214a4513
    shipit-source-id: e1c3c50df95f186e86c2e14dce96fe83214a4513
  2. @hellendag

    Expose DraftEditorBlock

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 6
    Summary:This is needed for people who are wrapping `DraftEditorBlock` in custom components.
    cc #124
    Closes #173
    Differential Revision: D3031572
    fb-gh-sync-id: 6818f49a59ddc56edc9fa44477f706242ec9ae06
    shipit-source-id: 6818f49a59ddc56edc9fa44477f706242ec9ae06
  3. @hellendag

    Release 0.2.1

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 3
    Summary:Quick turnaround to get React 15 RC and `suppressContentEditableWarning` in.
    Closes #183
    Differential Revision: D3031186
    fb-gh-sync-id: 23e2e881ce567bd9dab9d93a9a4235fb180609b2
    shipit-source-id: 23e2e881ce567bd9dab9d93a9a4235fb180609b2
  4. @nikgraf

    upgrade to React 15 & suppress contentEditableWarning

    nikgraf committed with Facebook Github Bot 7
    npm WARN EPEERINVALID draft-js@0.2.0 requires a peer of react@^0.14.0 but none was installed.
    npm WARN EPEERINVALID draft-js@0.2.0 requires a peer of react-dom@^0.14.0 but none was installed.
    Closes #179
    Differential Revision: D3028633
    fb-gh-sync-id: 03110f8dc77ace8147176562702ec6c80449218a
    shipit-source-id: 03110f8dc77ace8147176562702ec6c80449218a
  5. @hellendag

    Release 0.2.0

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 8
    Summary: Closes #178
    Differential Revision: D3027987
    fb-gh-sync-id: 578a74ee6dacb1e88b11d2689f278cf4c5afbd0a
    shipit-source-id: 578a74ee6dacb1e88b11d2689f278cf4c5afbd0a
Commits on Mar 5, 2016
  1. @hellendag

    Move critical editor style into JS

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 4
    Summary:There have been a number of bug reports caused by Draft.css not being included. The main one is that the editor can start flipping out if `white-space: pre-wrap` is not applied.
    Users should generally be including Draft.css, and should be aware of behavior gaps if they choose not to. Documenting this accordingly.
    Closes #159
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D3013416
    fb-gh-sync-id: 6423b84be619fa1013ef7babba30be8956456a97
    shipit-source-id: 6423b84be619fa1013ef7babba30be8956456a97
Commits on Mar 3, 2016
  1. @bkniffler

    Allow to pass handleDrop, similar to handleDroppedFiles

    bkniffler committed with Facebook Github Bot 9
    Summary:This will allow to handle drops and suppress the default behavior if
    Closes #145
    Reviewed By: ezequiel
    Differential Revision: D3004761
    fb-gh-sync-id: 39aef0b8f8388ef6a1cb05917afc82a79e9a190b
    shipit-source-id: 39aef0b8f8388ef6a1cb05917afc82a79e9a190b
  2. @hellendag

    Add decoratedText prop to DecoratorComponent

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 6
    Summary:Resolves #140 and #68.
    Tested with `console.log(this.props.decoratedText)` in render method of TokenSpan in entity.html.
    Closes #144
    Reviewed By: ezequiel
    Differential Revision: D3002917
    fb-gh-sync-id: 2451c82c74c0835217edcc7923c4430ae5ae3969
    shipit-source-id: 2451c82c74c0835217edcc7923c4430ae5ae3969
Commits on Mar 2, 2016
  1. @hellendag

    generateBlockKey -> generateRandomKey

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 4
    Summary:I'd like to generate an editor-level key, too. Might as well reuse the same module, since it's useful.
    Closes #135
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D3000350
    fb-gh-sync-id: e708a29fcccfdbcbbeeb0e981ab6e5cc01d52635
    shipit-source-id: e708a29fcccfdbcbbeeb0e981ab6e5cc01d52635
Commits on Mar 1, 2016
  1. @mjrussell

    Typo fix in getBlockForKey example

    mjrussell committed with Facebook Github Bot 6
    Summary: Closes #134
    Differential Revision: D2996962
    fb-gh-sync-id: 542b449c38e3c679852283b184f03528b329c74a
    shipit-source-id: 542b449c38e3c679852283b184f03528b329c74a
  2. @hellendag

    Use Slackin link for Slack invites

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 8
    Summary:Still not sure if we'll be moving over to Discord, but in the meantime this will streamline things.
    Closes #131
    Differential Revision: D2996725
    fb-gh-sync-id: 1b0c51682d4e79754da9ab23fa876fb64685a050
    shipit-source-id: 1b0c51682d4e79754da9ab23fa876fb64685a050
  3. @zpao

    Use es6-shim, mention polyfill requirement in docs

    zpao committed with Facebook Github Bot 6
    Summary:Should fix #83
    Closes #123
    Reviewed By: zpao
    Differential Revision: D2995005
    fb-gh-sync-id: bf7df7fd4a19efdb560c00ea3131c6fc7911ba44
    shipit-source-id: bf7df7fd4a19efdb560c00ea3131c6fc7911ba44
  4. @mitermayer

    Including extra headings to the DraftPasteProcessor

    mitermayer committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Summary:…to DraftPasteProcessors
    - Including missing headings
    Closes #118
    Reviewed By: tasti
    Differential Revision: D2989580
    fb-gh-sync-id: a7e6c44e61eb19a7629213ce1d6eedbb499267af
    shipit-source-id: a7e6c44e61eb19a7629213ce1d6eedbb499267af
  5. @hellendag


    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 7
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D2988045
    fb-gh-sync-id: 91cd7db02efd0accdd5db1e044e94225033b1cc0
    shipit-source-id: 91cd7db02efd0accdd5db1e044e94225033b1cc0
Commits on Feb 28, 2016
  1. @hellendag

    Add Slack signup info to readme

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 1
    Summary: Closes #115
    Differential Revision: D2987800
    fb-gh-sync-id: 801b982e5271db5b719ced055a32c19c72cd7912
    shipit-source-id: 801b982e5271db5b719ced055a32c19c72cd7912
  2. @brijeshb42

    Fix the link example to render links when rich text containing links …

    brijeshb42 committed with Facebook Github Bot 2
    …are pasted
    Summary:Make the example for links consistent by using the same key (`url`) as defined by `draft-js` paste instead of `href` and use `LINK` in `Entity.create` instead of `link` to maintain consistency as suggested in [issue 112](#112).
    This PR enhances link example by:
    * Rendering links in pasted rich text.
    * Handling `ENTER` key press for link's url input box besides clicking on.
    Closes #114
    Differential Revision: D2987774
    fb-gh-sync-id: db461f8ecfc3590f185e4a7ef3041c771a0272dd
    shipit-source-id: db461f8ecfc3590f185e4a7ef3041c771a0272dd
  3. @garbles

    Fix linter warnings

    garbles committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Summary:Fixes linter warnings.
    Also adds linting to the CI build, but warnings still exit with `0` which doesn't cause the suite to fail. I'm not even sure whether you guys want the suite to fail on this condition; though the contributing docs asks users to make sure that the linter passes before submitting a PR.
    Closes #78
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D2987193
    fb-gh-sync-id: bfcf661be729fd9f27c65a8237973ce6ff25cb16
    shipit-source-id: bfcf661be729fd9f27c65a8237973ce6ff25cb16
  4. @hellendag

    Exclude trailing block for type toggling if at zero offset

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Summary:Resolves #86.
    In cases where the user triple-clicks on a block, then toggles the block type, it feels weird to have the trailing block also change block type.
    The `SelectionState` resulting from the triple-click is correct, but to improve the interaction here, let's discard the trailing block for this modifier.
    Closes #111
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D2987166
    fb-gh-sync-id: 66dea913955ac5eef354f3222ac5afd7e6fdb92d
    shipit-source-id: 66dea913955ac5eef354f3222ac5afd7e6fdb92d
Commits on Feb 27, 2016
  1. @hellendag

    Link example: Use regular input instead of window.prompt

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 4
    Summary:Repairs #91. See discussion there for details.
    Closes #110
    Differential Revision: D2987111
    fb-gh-sync-id: 1254972193a530b8432c3147bf6a021c0d6341de
    shipit-source-id: 1254972193a530b8432c3147bf6a021c0d6341de
  2. @rgbkrk

    Check devEngines on pretest

    rgbkrk committed with Facebook Github Bot 9
    Summary:To support users on 5.x and `npm 3`. All the examples worked for me, including the TeX one.
    Follow up to #31.
    Thank you so much for this library, I've been wondering about handling `contentEditable` cleanly with React for editor components for some time. :heart:
    Closes #37
    Differential Revision: D2986309
    fb-gh-sync-id: 1bc9202064594582dafd3104be19119ae09cf494
    shipit-source-id: 1bc9202064594582dafd3104be19119ae09cf494
  3. @mitermayer

    extra-headings-support - Adding support for other blockmode headings

    mitermayer committed with Facebook Github Bot 9
    Summary:- adding support for other blockmode headings
    Closes #96
    Reviewed By: spicyj
    Differential Revision: D2981702
    fb-gh-sync-id: ed14c7fd66291071b8d1ced493c19540909b335e
    shipit-source-id: ed14c7fd66291071b8d1ced493c19540909b335e
  4. @hellendag

    Re-render DraftEditorLeaf when style changes

    hellendag committed with Facebook Github Bot 5
    Reviewed By: ezequiel
    Differential Revision: D2985255
    fb-gh-sync-id: 9f88e8c29efbccfa2612313bb3af60c67cdbdfae
    shipit-source-id: 9f88e8c29efbccfa2612313bb3af60c67cdbdfae
Commits on Feb 26, 2016
  1. @spicyj

    Fix some lint errors in website

    spicyj committed with Facebook Github Bot 1
    Summary:Fixes most errors and some warnings, especially the autofix ones.
    - copyright headers
    - no unicode in source files
    - `.indexOf('javascript:')` is legit; suppress the eslint error
    - trailing commas, semicolons
    Reviewed By: hellendag
    Differential Revision: D2981752
    fb-gh-sync-id: 5ceb842c215c5787aa2c981a1eae3254f19ef687
    shipit-source-id: 5ceb842c215c5787aa2c981a1eae3254f19ef687
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