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Fix a minor typo in Contributing

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1 parent d872c25 commit 14d85931021c99a9a3fd52cc63472d72b60fd62d @gaearon gaearon committed
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ We will do our best to keep `master` in good shape, with tests passing at all ti
Use `grunt test` to run the full test suite with PhantomJS.
-This command is just a facade to [Jest]( You may optionally `npm install -g jest-cli` run and use Jest commands directly to have more control over how tests are executed.
+This command is just a facade to [Jest]( You may optionally run `npm install -g jest-cli` and use Jest commands directly to have more control over how tests are executed.
For example, `jest --watch` lets you automatically run the test suite on every file change.

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