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Latest commit 8b026f9 @jimfb jimfb committed with jim Removed script security attributes, since isn't setting the pro…
…per headers.
Failed to load latest commit information.
_css 0.14 RC blog post
_data Added icon for external links in Docs nav and unlinked Complementary …
_includes Fix blog post authors
_js Year-agnostic copyright message, like React Native uses, to prevent t…
_layouts Introduce search
_plugins Don't add class="" if we don't need to
_posts Add v15 RC2 blog post
blog [docs] Don't make authors links on all posts page
css [website] Fix jump on the header
docs Merge pull request #6281 from rgarifullin/microfix_docs
downloads Add v15 RC2 download
img Introduce search
js Update website for 0.14.7
tips Update documentation to stateless components Simple custom 404 page.
Gemfile Use jekyll-redirect-from instead of our other redirect method
Gemfile.lock [docs] Replace JSXTransformer with babel/browser npm without -g should never need sudo
Rakefile [docs] Upgrade to work with babel 6, fetch remote babel-browser for now
_config.yml [docs] Automate SRI hash generation with rake task Add thanks for the react org Removed script security attributes, since isn't setting the pro…
favicon.ico Initial public release
feed.xml [docs] RSS: Pass title through xml_escape Change script src for htmltojsx.min.js to referral target to fix http… remove type="text/javascript" [docs] Stop supporting our JSX compiler page Pre-fill tag when asking a Stack Overflow question

React Documentation & Website

We use Jekyll to build the site using (mostly) Markdown, and we host it by pushing HTML to GitHub Pages.


If you are working on the site, you will want to install and run a local copy of it.


In order to use Jekyll, you will need to have Ruby installed.

Mac OS X comes pre-installed with Ruby, but you may need to update RubyGems (via gem update --system). Otherwise, RVM and rbenv are popular ways to install Ruby. Once you have RubyGems and installed Bundler (via gem install bundler), use it to install the dependencies:

$ cd react/docs
$ bundle install # Might need sudo.
$ npm install


The site requires React, so first make sure you've built the project (via grunt).

Use Jekyll to serve the website locally (by default, at http://localhost:4000):

$ cd react/docs
$ bundle exec rake
$ bundle exec jekyll serve -w
$ open http://localhost:4000/react/

We use SASS (with Bourbon) for our CSS, and we use JSX to transform some of our JS. If you only want to modify the HTML or Markdown, you do not have to do anything because we package pre-compiled copies of the CSS and JS. If you want to modify the CSS or JS, use Rake to compile them:

$ cd react/docs
$ bundle exec rake watch # Automatically compiles as needed.
# bundle exec rake         Manually compile CSS and JS.
# bundle exec rake js      Manually compile JS, only.



The easiest way to do this is to have a separate clone of this repository, checked out to the gh-pages branch. We have a build step that expects this to be in a directory named react-gh-pages at the same depth as react. Then it's just a matter of running grunt docs, which will compile the site and copy it out to this repository. From there, you can check it in.

Note: This should only be done for new releases. You should create a tag corresponding to the release tag in the main repository.

We also have a rake task that does the same thing (without creating commits). It expects the directory structure mentioned above.

$ bundle exec rake release

Removing the Jekyll / Ruby Dependency

In an ideal world, we would not be adding a Ruby dependency on part of our project. We would like to move towards a point where we are using React to render the website.

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