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Remove outdated changelog and link to the correct changelog in the do…

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1 parent 9baedc3 commit f14fe93155a7ffe1ac81e2bd4517fa0cb3b19b71 @daffl daffl committed
Showing with 1 addition and 87 deletions.
  1. +1 −87
@@ -1,89 +1,3 @@
## Changelog
-- Add ability to create, update, patch and remove many ([#144](, [#179](
-- Handle middleware passed after the service to app.use ([#176](, [#178](
-- Add hook object to service events parameters ([#148](
-- Argument normalization runs before event mixin punched methods ([#150](
-- Fix 404 not being properly thrown by REST provider ([#146](
-- Service `setup` called before `` instantiated ([#131](
-- Allow to register services that already are event emitter ([#118](
-- Clustering microservices ([#121](
-- Add debug module and messages ([#114](
-- Server hardening with socket message validation and normalization ([#113](
-- Custom service events ([#111](
-- Support for registering services dynamically ([#67](, [#96](, [#107](
-- Use Uberproto extended instance when creating services ([#105](
-- Make sure that mixins are specific to each new app ([#104](
-- Rename Uberproto .create to avoid conflicts with service method ([#100](, [#99](
-- Remove app.lookup and make the functionality available as app.service ([#94](
-- Allow not passing parameters in websocket calls ([#92](
-- Add _setup method ([#91](
-- Throw an error when registering a service after application start ([#78](
-- Send socket parameters as params.query ([#72](
-- Send HTTP 201 and 204 status codes ([#71](
-- Upgrade to SocketIO 1.0 ([#70](
-- Upgrade to Express 4.0 ([#55](, [#54](
-- Allow service methods to return a promise ([#59](
-- Allow to register services with custom middleware ([#56](
-- REST provider should not be added by default ([#53](
-- Allow socket provider event filtering and params passthrough ([#49](, [#50](, [#51](
-- Added `patch` support ([#47](
-- Allow to configure REST handler manually ([#40](, [#52](
-- Allows Feathers to use other Express apps ([#46](
-- Updated dependencies and switched to Lodash ([#42](
-- REST provider refactoring ([#35]( to make it easier to develop plugins
-- HTTP requests now return 405 (Method not allowed) when trying to access unavailable service methods ([#35](
-- Added [Primus]( provider ([#34](
-- `app.setup(server)` to support HTTPS (and other functionality that requires a custom server) ([#33](
-- Removed bad SocketIO configuration ([#19](
-- Add .npmignore to not publish .idea folder ([#30](
-- Remove middleware: connect.bodyParser() ([#27](
-- Pre-initialize `req.feathers` in REST provider to set service parameters
-- Allowing to initialize services with or without slashes to be more express-compatible
-- First beta release
-- Directly extends Express
-- Removed built in services and moved to [Legs](
-- Created [example repository](
-- Initial test alpha releases
+Please refer to the full [changelog at](

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