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assets Sync changes from upstream repository
content Sync changes from upstream repository
data/variables Sync changes from upstream repository
layouts Sync changes from upstream repository
lib Merge pull request #1030 from Shredder121/pagination
script Sync changes from upstream repository
spec Sync changes from upstream repository
tasks Sync with upstream repository
vendor/cache Sync changes from upstream repository
.bowerrc Sync changes from upstream repository
.gitattributes Move static resources around, adding new datasource to handle them
.gitignore Add support for generating JSON from documentation
.ruby-version Sync changes from upstream repository
.travis.yml Cache the npm modules as well
Brewfile Sync changes from upstream repository
CNAME developers developers developers developers developers developers dev… Sync changes from upstream repository
Gemfile Sync changes from upstream repository
Gemfile.lock Sync changes from upstream repository
Guardfile Sync changes from upstream repository
LICENSE.txt Sync changes from upstream repository Some style changes
Rakefile Sync changes from upstream repository
Rules Sync changes from upstream repository
bower.json Sync changes from upstream repository Merge from upstream
gulpfile.js Sync changes from upstream repository
nanoc.yaml Sync changes from upstream repository
package.json Sync changes from upstream repository

This is a GitHub API resource built with Nanoc.

All submissions are welcome. To submit a change, fork this repo, commit your changes, and send us a pull request.


You can fetch the latest dependencies by opening the command line and running script/bootstrap:

$ script/bootstrap
==> Installing gem dependencies…
==> Installing npm dependencies…

You'll need Ruby and Node installed on your system. The required versions for each of these languages can be found in the .ruby-version and package.json files, respectively.

You can run bundle exec rake build to generate the site, but it's often more useful to simply build the server and start the site at the same time.

Nanoc compiles the site into static files living in output. It's smart enough not to try to compile unchanged files.

You can start the site with script/server:

$ script/server
Loading site data...
Compiling site...
   create     [0.28s]  output/index.html
   create     [1.31s]  output/v3/gists/comments/index.html
   identical  [1.92s]  output/v3/gists/index.html
   identical  [0.25s]  output/v3/issues/comments/index.html
   update     [0.99s]  output/v3/issues/labels/index.html
   update     [0.05s]  output/v3/index.html

Site compiled in 5.81s.

The site is hosted at http://localhost:4000.

Nanoc has some nice documentation to get you started. Though if you're mainly concerned with editing or adding content, you won't need to know much about Nanoc.


Not sure how to structure the docs? Here's what the structure of the API docs should look like:

# API title


## API endpoint title

    [VERB] /path/to/endpoint

### Parameters

Name | Type | Description
`name`|`type` | Description.

### Input (request JSON body)

Name | Type | Description
`name`|`type` | Description.

### Response

<%= headers 200, :pagination => default_pagination_rels, 'X-Custom-Header' => "value" %>
<%= json :resource_name %>

Note: We're using Kramdown Markdown extensions, such as definition lists.

JSON Responses

We specify the JSON responses in Ruby so that we don't have to write them by hand all over the docs. You can render the JSON for a resource like this:

<%= json :issue %>

This looks up GitHub::Resources::ISSUE in lib/resources.rb.

Some actions return arrays. You can modify the JSON by passing a block:

<%= json(:issue) { |hash| [hash] } %>

There is also a rake task for generating JSON files from the sample responses in the documentation:

$ rake generate_json_from_responses

The generated files will end up in json-dump/.

Terminal blocks

You can specify terminal blocks by using the command-line syntax highlighting.

``` command-line
$ curl foobar

You can use certain characters, like $ and #, to emphasize different parts of commands.

``` command-line
# call foobar
$ curl <em>foobar<em>

For more information, see the reference documentation.


Deployments happen automatically once a PR is merged into master. A tool called Publisher takes the master branch, builds it using Nanoc, and publishes the content to gh-pages. Thus, any commit to master is automatically sent over to gh-pages, where it's picked up and served by GitHub Pages.


The code to generate the site (everything excluding the assets, content, and layouts directories) as well as the code samples on the site are licensed under CC0-1.0. CC0 waives all copyright restrictions but does not grant you any trademark permissions.

Site content (everything in the assets, content, and layouts directories, excluding files under open source licenses individually marked) is licensed under CC-BY-4.0. CC-BY-4.0 gives you permission to use content for almost any purpose but does not grant you any trademark permissions, so long as you note the license and give credit, such as follows:

Content based on used under the CC-BY-4.0 license.

This means you can use the code and content in this repository except for GitHub trademarks in your own projects.

When you contribute to this repository you are doing so under the above licenses.

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