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Latest commit 16a9e9b @shiftkey shiftkey Merge pull request #1550 from photodude/patch-1
Add the other Dreamweaver added files
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Anjuta.gitignore Ignore the symbole database which is a generated binary file.
Archives.gitignore add Windows Installer files
BricxCC.gitignore Add comment to BricxCC.gitignore
CVS.gitignore Update CVS.gitignore
Calabash.gitignore Move Calabash to Global
Cloud9.gitignore Update Cloud9.gitignore
CodeKit.gitignore Create CodeKit.gitignore
DartEditor.gitignore Move editor specific files into a new DartEditor.gitignore
Dreamweaver.gitignore Add the other Dreamweaver added files
Dropbox.gitignore Add Dropbox.gitignore
Eclipse.gitignore Merge pull request #1807 from rlee287/eclipse-recommender
EiffelStudio.gitignore Fix few typos
Emacs.gitignore add .projectile file to emacs .gitignore
Ensime.gitignore Add .ensime_cache dir
Espresso.gitignore ensure single trailing newline
FlexBuilder.gitignore Added bin-release folder
GPG.gitignore Adding rule to not accidentally publish your PGP/GPG private keys.
IPythonNotebook.gitignore Remove stray whitespace
JDeveloper.gitignore doc JDeveloper.gitignore
JetBrains.gitignore Update Jetbrains .gitignore dataSources.local.xml
KDevelop4.gitignore adding global gitignore for KDevelop4
Kate.gitignore Added Kate ignore file
Lazarus.gitignore Reworked Lazarus.gitignore according to Lazarus Wiki
LibreOffice.gitignore Move LibreOffice.gitignore to /Global
Linux.gitignore improve description of .fuse_hidden
LyX.gitignore Create LyX.gitignore
Matlab.gitignore matlab: ignore octave session info
Mercurial.gitignore Added dotfiles in working directory
MicrosoftOffice.gitignore Add rule for MS PowerPoint temporary files
ModelSim.gitignore added initial version of ModelSim.gitignore
Momentics.gitignore Add user-specific settings to Momentics.gitignore
MonoDevelop.gitignore Added support for MonoDevelop .gitignore
NetBeans.gitignore NetBeans file nb-configuration.xml should not be ignored.
Ninja.gitignore Make ninja a global template.
NotepadPP.gitignore ensure single trailing newline
OSX.gitignore Expand list of root-of-volume dotfiles
Otto.gitignore Add Otto Link to section being described
Redcar.gitignore Masking Redcar project files.
Redis.gitignore Add a global redis ignore file.
SBT.gitignore Fix URL in SBT template
SVN.gitignore Ignore all the .svn folders.
SlickEdit.gitignore ensure single trailing newline
SublimeText.gitignore Remove *.pyc
SynopsysVCS.gitignore Cleaning-up some of the comments that had been previously added.
Tags.gitignore Update Tags.gitignore
TextMate.gitignore add "*.tmproject" to ignore list
TortoiseGit.gitignore Create TortoiseGit.gitignore
Vagrant.gitignore Allow the Vagrantfile to be tracked as that's the intended purpose.
Vim.gitignore Update Vim.gitignore
VirtualEnv.gitignore Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into patch-1
VisualStudioCode.gitignore VSCode 0.8.0 config folder change
WebMethods.gitignore Capitalise initial letter in template filenames for consistency/sorting
Windows.gitignore add shortcut files
Xcode.gitignore Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
XilinxISE.gitignore Update to include iMPACT and Core Generator files

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