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Latest commit b187682 Aravind Metadata updates for release 7.2.8


                  C++ version of the libphonenumber project

This library is a port of the Java version.

This project uses some third-party code:
  - src/phonenumbers/utf/ sources come from lib9 which is also used in Go.

Installing the library on GNU/Linux
In recent Debian-based distributions you may be able to simply install the
libphonenumber library directly.

Installing the binary packages:
  - Use this if you just need to use or link against the library:
    $ sudo apt-get install libphonenumber6 libphonenumber6-dev

Installing the source package:
  - Use this if you wish to develop or debug the library:
    $ sudo apt-get source libphonenumber

The latest packages can be found on the Debian packages site:

Manually installing the library on GNU/Linux
You should only need these instructions if the above instructions do not work.

The example command lines below assume that you have a Debian-based GNU/Linux
distribution. Other distributions and packaging systems will differ.

  - In recent Debian-based distributions, it should be sufficent to run:
    $ sudo apt-get install \
      cmake cmake-curses-gui libprotobuf-dev libgtest-dev libre2-dev \
      libicu-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev

If any of these packages fails to install correctly, follow the instructions
in the appropriate section below.

  - CMake build system

    $ sudo apt-get install cmake

    Additionally it is recommended you install the ccmake configuration tool:
    $ sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui

  - Protocol Buffers
    Version 2.4 or more recent is required (this is available by default for
    recent Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions).

    You can check which version is available:
    $ apt-cache show libprotobuf-dev 
    Package: libprotobuf-dev
    Source: protobuf
    Version: 2.5.0-9ubuntu1   <-- This must be >= 2.4.0

    $ sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev

    Note: if your GNU/Linux distribution doesn't provide the needed package,
          please download and install it manually:
    $ tar xjf protobuf-2.4.tar.bz2
    $ cd protobuf-2.4
    $ ./configure && make && sudo make install

  - Google Test

    $ sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev

  - RE2

    $ sudo apt-get install libre2-dev

    Note that some distributions (notably Ubuntu 10.4) may not include this,
    so you might need to download and install it manually.

    Find and download the Debian packages for your system. For example:

    You need to download both the libre2-dev and libre2-1 packages.
    Once downloaded, install them with:
    $ sudo dpkg -i libre2*.deb

    If you want to install it from source, it's available via Mercurial at:
    however precise instructions on building and installing are outside the
    scope of this document.

  - ICU
    $ sudo apt-get install libicu-dev

    Otherwise you need to download the source tarball for the latest version
    And then extract it via:
    $ tar xzf icu4c-*-src.tgz

    Alternatively you can export the SVN repository to the current directory
    $ svn export

    Having acquired the latest sources, make and install it via:
    $ cd icu/source
    $ ./configure && make && sudo make install

  - Boost
    Version 1.40 or more recent is required if you need libphonenumber to be
    thread-safe. If you access libphonenumber from a single thread, you can
    avoid the Boost dependency by disabling the USE_BOOST CMake option (see
    Troubleshooting section below for information about ccmake).

    You can install it very easily on a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution:
    $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev

    Note: Boost Thread is the only library needed at link time.

Building and testing the library
  $ cd libphonenumber/cpp
  $ mkdir build
  $ cd build
  $ cmake ..
  $ make
  $ ./libphonenumber_test

Troubleshooting CMake via ccmake
  Follow these instructions if the build steps above don't work for you.

  - Incorrect protocol buffer library issues
    If the build process complains that the version of protoc being used is too
    old or that it cannot find the correct libprotobuf library, you may need to
    change the library path of the project.

    This issue should typically only occur in cases where you have two (or more)
    versions of the protocol buffer libraries installed on your system. This
    step assumes that you have already manually downloaded and installed the
    protocol buffer libraries into /usr/local (as described above).

    To make cmake use the manually installed version of the protocol buffer
    libraries, install cmake-curses-gui and use ccmake as follows.

    From within libphonenumber/cpp/build:
    $ ccmake .

    You should set the following values:
      PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR         /usr/local/include
      PROTOBUF_LIB                 /usr/local/lib/
      PROTOC_BIN                   /usr/local/bin/protoc

    Now press 'c' then 'g' to configure the new parameters and exit ccmake.
    Finally regenerate the make files and rebuild via:
    $ cmake ..
    $ make

  - Protoc binary not executing properly
    If you still have issues with the protoc binary tool in /usr/local/bin not
    running correctly (cannot find then you may need to
    configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To do this, as a superuser, add the following

    with the contents:
      # Use the manually installed version of the protocol buffer libraries.

    And then run:
      $ sudo chmod 644 /etc/
      $ sudo ldconfig

  - Incorrect ICU library issues
    Similar to the protocol buffer library issue above, it is possible that your
    build may fail if you have two conflicting versions of the ICU libraries
    installed on your system. This step assumes that you have already manually
    downloaded and installed a recent version of the ICU libraries into

    Install and run the ccmake tool (as described above) and set the following
      ICU_I18N_INCLUDE_DIR         /usr/local/include
      ICU_I18N_LIB                 /usr/local/lib/
      ICU_UC_INCLUDE_DIR           /usr/local/include
      ICU_UC_LIB                   /usr/local/lib/

    Now press 'c' then 'g' to configure the new parameters and exit ccmake.
    Finally regenerate the make files and rebuild via:
    $ cmake ..
    $ make

Building the library on Windows (Visual Studio)
The library was tested with Visual Studio 2010.

You will need to manually fetch and install the following dependencies:
  - CMake (tested with v2.8.6):
    * Download and install the Win32 installer.

  - Boost (tested with v1.44) from BoostPro:
    * Select all the variants and Boost DateTime and Boost Thread during the
      installation process.
    See Linux instructions for information about thread-safety.

  - GTest (tested with v1.6.0):
    * Open msvc/gtest-md.sln with Visual Studio and build the whole solution.

  - ICU (MSVC binaries, tested with v4.8.1):
    * Simply extract the archive.

  - Protocol Buffers:
    * Open vsprojects/protobuf.sln with Visual Studio and build the whole

Then run cmake-gui and specify the path to the libphonenumber's cpp directory
and its build directory which must be created (e.g. cpp/build).

When clicking on "Configure", specify the appropriate Visual Studio version
(tested with 2010).

Then CMake will need your help to locate the dependencies. You will have to set
the following variables (this example assumes that you extracted the
dependencies to C:/).

GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR         C:/gtest-1.6.0/include
GTEST_LIB                 C:/gtest-1.6.0/msvc/gtest-md/Release/gtest.lib

ICU_I18N_INCLUDE_DIR      C:/icu/include
ICU_I18N_LIB              C:/icu/lib/icuin.lib

ICU_UC_INCLUDE_DIR        C:/icu/include
ICU_UC_LIB                C:/icu/lib/icuuc.lib

PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR      C:/protobuf-2.4.1/src
PROTOBUF_LIB              C:/protobuf-2.4.1/vsprojects/Release/libprotobuf.lib
PROTOC_BIN                C:/protobuf-2.4.1/vsprojects/Release/protoc.exe

Then you can click on "Configure" again. CMake should have located all the
Then click on "Generate" to generate the appropriate Visual Studio project.
Then open cpp/build/libphonenumber.sln with Visual Studio and build the INSTALL

As a result the library's headers and binaries should have been installed to
C:/Program Files/libphonenumber/.
Note that this path can be set by overriding the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable
with cmake-gui.

Supported build parameters
  Build parameters can be specified invoking CMake with '-DKEY=VALUE' or using a
  CMake user interface (ccmake or cmake-gui).

  USE_ALTERNATE_FORMATS = ON | OFF [ON]  -- Use alternate formats for the phone
                                            number matcher.
  USE_BOOST             = ON | OFF [ON]  -- Use Boost. This is only needed in
                                            multi-threaded environments that
                                            are not Linux and Mac.
                                            Libphonenumber relies on Boost for
                                            non-POSIX (e.g. Windows)
  USE_ICU_REGEXP        = ON | OFF [ON]  -- Use ICU regexp engine.
  USE_LITE_METADATA     = ON | OFF [OFF] -- Generates smaller metadata that
                                            doesn't include example numbers.
  USE_RE2               = ON | OFF [OFF] -- Use RE2.
  USE_STD_MAP           = ON | OFF [OFF] -- Force the use of std::map.
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