Joshua Wehner
- Minneapolis, MN
- Joined on
Popular repositories
- coffee-blog 5 A very simple blog, in coffeescript/express/node.js; following Ciaran Jessup's excellent tutorial
- markdown-presentations 5 Extract GitHub templated markdown presentations based on Remark
- Rails-I18n.tmbundle 5 Rails I18n Textmate bundle extracted from svenfuchs/rails-i18n
- git-friendly 4 GitFriendly currently contains two commands that make working with remote branches easier in git.
- helper_test 4 Simple generator plugin for testing Rails helpers
Repositories contributed to
- github/training-utils 42 A series of Bash and ZShell scripts useful when teaching about git and GitHub
- github/training-kit 615 Open source slides, workbook, and cheat sheet courseware for teaching Git and GitHub classes. Hosted at for immediate use.
- wheelhouseio/curriculum-github 3
- jlord/patchwork 195 All the Git-it Workshop completers!
- TeamConchord/earmarked 0 key
Public contributions
Contributions in the last year
43 total
Mar 21, 2015 – Mar 21, 2016
Longest streak
2 days
July 20 –
July 21
Current streak
0 days
Last contributed