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Enable --smart in plain output #123

jgm opened this Issue · 1 comment

1 participant


I’m interested in using pandoc as a filter for plain text to intelligently replace quotation marks, etc. Unfortunately it makes text unsmart if I choose plain format despite my --smart option. Since you output utf-8, why is it putting out ascii range characters?

Google Code Info:
Issue #: 243
Author: towolf
Created On: 2010-06-25T02:18:53.000Z
Closed On: 2010-07-01T01:58:31.000Z

@jgm jgm was assigned
@jgm jgm closed this

It turns out the problem affects not only plain, but markdown and rst output.
It has been fixed in all three formats by commit

Google Code Info:
Created On: 2010-07-01T01:58:31.000Z

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