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Language neutral table caption syntax, and captions above tables #139

jgm opened this Issue · 2 comments

1 participant


The current extended markdown table caption syntax using the literal
English word "Table" is undesirable when writing documents in languages
other than English.

From a message to the discussion list (John replying to me):

(That's why I think "Table: Caption" should be

"[: Caption ]" -- and why can't it go above as well
as below the table, BTW?)

I'm in favor of some alternative table caption syntax.
(Using "Table:" was a mistake, but I'd keep it for backwards
compatibility.) One possible syntax would be a paragraph
beginning with a colon:

----------- ------- --------------- -------------------------
   First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                    spans multiple lines.

  Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                    the blank line between

: Here's a multiline table without headers.

I'm open to allowing it to go above as well as below, too,
if I can do so without a significant decrease in performance.

Google Code Info:
Issue #: 227
Author: bpjonsson
Created On: 2010-03-31T16:33:48.000Z
Closed On: 2010-07-07T04:02:50.000Z

@jgm jgm was assigned

It would be nice if captions where supported for code blocks and images, too.

Google Code Info:
Created On: 2010-04-18T21:40:42.000Z

@jgm jgm closed this

Resolved by 7d68768

Google Code Info:
Created On: 2010-07-07T04:02:50.000Z

@jgm jgm added a commit that referenced this issue
@jgm LaTeX template: simplify hyperref usage.
Andrew Dunning.  #139.
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