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Command line option for chapter level headings in latex output? #141

jgm opened this Issue · 2 comments

1 participant


Pandoc is great, thanks a lot. Would it be possible to add a command line
option for chapter level headings in the latex output? I realize having to
remember to use a latex "book" template is not a huge deal but a command
line switch would be great:)

Google Code Info:
Issue #: 225
Author: douglasfcalvert
Created On: 2010-03-31T02:11:37.000Z
Closed On: 2011-01-16T16:59:45.000Z

@jgm jgm was assigned
@jgm jgm closed this

From Changelog:

  • Added stateHasChapters to ParserState.
  • If a \chapter command is encountered, this is set to True and subsequent \section commands (etc.) will be bumped up one level.

I realize this is for parsing latex but can this variable be accessed like --xetex so that pandoc will process one # as a chapter and not a section heading?

Google Code Info:
Author: douglasfcalvert
Created On: 2010-07-20T18:23:50.000Z


--chapters option added in 9721b87

Google Code Info:
Created On: 2011-01-16T16:59:45.000Z

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