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Multiple heading ids #2396

van-de-bugger opened this Issue · 3 comments

3 participants


pandoc documentation says:

A header without an explicitly specified identifier will be automatically assigned a unique identifier based on the header text.

However, pandoc assigns an identifier even if identifier is already set, causing incorrect HTML output:

$ ~/.cabal/bin/pandoc --version
Compiled with texmath 0.8.3, highlighting-kate 0.6.

$ cat 
# Chapter 1 {id="ch01"}


$ ~/.cabal/bin/pandoc -f markdown -t html -o output.html 

$ cat output.html 
<h1 id="chapter-1" id="ch01">Chapter 1</h1>

Note: h1 tag has two id attributes.



from this source:

# Chapter 1 {#ch1}
# Chapter 2 {id="ch2"}

you will have this HTML output (using latest stable pandoc):

<h1 id="ch1">Chapter 1</h1>
<h1 id="chapter-2" id="ch2">Chapter 2</h1>

Extended Markdown requires identifiers tagged as {#identifier} and classes as {.class}.

Just in case it might help.


Thanks, I am aware about {#id} syntax, but I think {id="id"} is also valid.

@jgm jgm added a commit that closed this issue
@jgm Markdown reader: handle 'id' and 'class' in parsing key/value attrs.
    # Header {id="myid" class="foo bar"}

is now equivalent to

    # Header {#myid .foo .bar}

Closes #2396.
@jgm jgm closed this in dcb0b02
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