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Raw LaTeX: latex commands with multiple parameters not supported #2592

randomizedthinking opened this Issue · 3 comments

2 participants


I would like to define some latex commands to complement the description power of markdown. Given their natures, these commands usually take more than one parameter. Under the current pandoc implementation, only the first parameter is passed to the command, and the rest parameters are treated as markdown instead. For instance,

\mylatexcmd{a}{b}{c} ==> \mylatexcmd{a} \{b\}\{c\}

The curly braces are escaped in the generated tex file.

Is it possible that pandoc adds support to the construction of consecutive parameters, and simply pass them to latex? It is uncommon to have constructions in the normal markdown text.

@jgm jgm added a commit that closed this issue
@jgm LaTeX reader: allow blank space between braced arguments of commands.
For example


Closes #2592.
@jgm jgm closed this in 35e0544
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