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Syntax for specifying image size #261

jgm opened this Issue · 105 comments

Googlecode Issue #29

There is currently no way to specify the size of an image.
For some ideas, see


Comment 2 by, Nov 10, 2010
You can enter the dimensions of an image in the header of the JPG or PNG files. LaTeX and the DocBook processors will use that size. In HTML output you can set the size for every image in a separate CSS file.


Duplicate of #61 ?


I'd like to say for the record that all of the advice for image manipulation (see above) doesn't help at all when dealing with vector image formats (svg, TikZ, pdf, etc.). This issue is quite the wrench.


@jgm mentions that

You can enter the dimensions of an image in the header of the JPG or PNG files.

I'm not sure what that means. Where does one specify the header of one of these image files? I assume this isn't in reference to the bytes of the image file itself.


From what I understand, there is no consensus on markdown syntax to specify the width of an image. For that reason, width specifications are not supported.


Similar to HTML+CSS, ConTeXt allows you to specify the dimensions of individual figures. You can create a figures.tex file:

\defineexternalfigure[filename.ext][width=..., height=...]
\defineexternalfigure[filename.ext][width=..., height=...]

Then generate a ConTeXt file using

pandoc -t context -s output.tex

and compile it using

context --environment=figures.tex output.tex

@adityam Thanks, good to know.


Just a note: if image size should be specified in Pandoc Markdown, one must be able to specify at least two kinds of sizes: first the size in cm or inch for PDF, DocBook, Word etc. and second the size in pixels for HTML, EPUB and related output formats. For bitmap image files both can also be specified in the image files but vector image files usually contain no pixel dimensions.


A TeX hack to get floating images in ConTeXt is to redifine \externalfigure:


This issue is about changing figure size, and not its floating behavior. By default,

 $pandoc -t context 



Do you want to change the floating behavior (from here which floats only when necessary) to right? If so, a better way might be to modify pandoc to generate


and set the default floating behaviour using \setupfloat[figure][location={....}].


I just discovered that in HTML you can do

<img style="width: 3cm;"...>

This resolves the problem about how to convert between pixels and other measurements; we'll just let the browser handle that.


Note that in almost all browsers, 1 in (and equivalently 2.54 cm) is simply shorthand for 96 pixels.


Here is what multimarkdown does:

[image]: "Image title" width=400px height=400px
[link]: "Some Link" class=external
     style="border: solid black 1px;"

I like the basic idea. I'd like to allow something similar in inline images and links:

![image]( "Image title" width=4cm)
[link]( "some link" class=external)

Some questions and potential difficulties:

  1. What units to allow? cm, em, and in will work for both LaTeX and HTML (using styles). px is more problematic.

  2. There is some argument for reusing the existing attribute syntax (used now in headers and code blocks) for consistency. That would suggest something like

    [image]: "Image title" {width=400px height=400px}
    [link]: "some link" {.external style="border: solid black 1 px;"}

    and in inline form,

    ![image]( "title" {width=400px height=400px})

    or should it be

    ![image]( "title"){width=400px height=400px}
  3. Another advantage of the curly-bracket form is that it avoids some parsing difficulties, especially when no title is present. Currently spaces are allowed in the URL part of a markdown link, so

    [link]( class=external)

    would be parsed as a link to the URL, and the multimarkdown format would break this existing behavior. Requiring curly brackets for attributes gives the parser a clear signal.


I'm all for

![image]( "title"){width=400px height=400px class=myClass}

So we have each type of bracket besides the others [...](...){...} instead of [...](...{...}...). Also we're free to add additional attributes.


:+1: for [...](...){...}


@jgm: As far as I can tell, this convention is part of the official CSS specification and does not obey variations in OS or device. I think there's currently no reliable method to have perfect physical sizing control short of probing for the actual physical device, and I'm not sure ultimately how useful it is anyways.

IMO one of the best practices is to use widths relative to the container. In LaTeX I've always used something like width=0.5\textwidth and in HTML that corresponds to width=50% (defaults to be relative to container width). I don't have any idea whether the other formats support this kind of thing, but it would make the most sense to me.


I kind of agree with @eVITAERC. I do that always, too, for LaTeX. But although LaTeX has a fixed page width, that is not true for HTML. But we can always support both (relative or absolute).


@mb21 and @ambs: So how would you expect to specify the size of an image for both, LaTeX/PDF and HTML/EPUB format? The original image will unlikely have 96 DPI. This would not work, would it?:

![image]( "title"){width=400px height=400px width=5cm height=5cm}

Its usual to create PDF and HTML from the same Markdown source. If the proposed syntax cannot support both of them at the same time, one must manually change the image file as it is needed now. A possible solution with limited usability is to support a "dpi" parameter. For instance 5cm / 203DPI = 400px:

![image]( "title"){width=400px height=400px dpi=203}
![image]( "title"){width=5cm height=5cm dpi=203}

@ambs: HTML at least has the container width that you can almost always count on. Having a width relative to the container width is also ideologically closer to the current almost de-facto system of rendering on a column/grid system for CSS (think of percentages like laying out a picture across 100 columns).

On the other hand, absolute sizes like pixels will test your resolve to live when you want to make it work for high-DPI handheld devices and 4K desktop displays.


I like @nichtich's suggestion to have separate dimension specification for HTML and LaTeX (pdf output). You do not want to fixate pixel to an actual physical measurement. This is in my opinion the best way to go.

Other than the default case:

![image](path/to/image "title")

One may optionally include dimensions for either HTML or LaTeX:
1. ![image](/path/to/image "title"){width=400px height=400px}
2. ![image](path/to/image "title"){rwidth=5cm rheight=5cm}
3. ![image](path/to/image "title"){width=400px height=400px rwidth=5cm rheight=5cm}

rheight and rwidth may refer to 'real' height and width for physical outputs.

If either dimensions for HTMl and LaTeX are excluded, then they're assumed to be default and handled by the browser or LaTeX pdf compiler accordingly.

Other cases may include that, if you only include rheight or rwidth, the aspect ratio is kept. I think this is the default behaviour in LaTeX without having to specify keepaspectratio.

How do we separate attributes for either LaTeX and HTML?

For instance,
![image](path/to/image "title"){width=400px, height=400px, rwidth=5cm, rheight=5cm, style="border:5px solid red;", class="imagestyle", angle=180}

Does anyone know if LaTeX throws an error if you just dump the attributes into:


![...](...){...} would mesh nicely with:

  • the fenced code block attribute syntax: ~~~{#my-code .haskell} ...
  • header attribute syntax: ## Section {#some-id}
  • the sometimes-proposed span syntax like [...]{...}
  • the sometimes-proposed fenced div syntax, possibly like ^^^{#some-id .some-class}...

Added my comment about the div syntax (mentioned in prev comment here) to the end of issue #168.


@jgm If that's the case, would you at least allow the style attribute for HTML? That way, style="height=40px;width=25px;" becomes an alternative for those who want to specify the height and width using px.


Personally, I usually want to use a width for TeX, and assign a class for HTML (so I can set width, floating and responsive design properties with CSS). I don't want to use percentages of the parent because scaling images in browsers by anything other than multiples of two usually produces aliasing artifacts.


@mb21 This may be getting a bit off-topic, but I think there may be some potential to introduce style-sheet-like behavior in LaTeX by automatically custom-defining a figure macro for each image (named by identifier). Nothing concrete in my head yet, just throwing it out there.

LaTeX has always been a little bit unsatisfying to me because it's supposed to provide stylesheets to the TeX-style control character paradigm, but many of the current "de-facto" packages don't really work like pure stylesheets.


@eVITAERC You mean something like the ConTeXt solution that I proposed earlier in this thread?


@adityam Similar, except for something compatible with existing LaTeX-based workflows. The main idea is to decouple specific layout-based information from syntactic information.


@eVITAERC yes, I think that would be great. I'm no TeX guru, so is there a way to assign the same identifier to multiple images or figures (like an HTML class) in LaTeX and/or ConTeXt? Using unique identifiers (as suggested by @adityam) works as well, but is potentially quite a bit more cumbersome.


@mb21 Yes, in ConTeXt you can assign the same identifier to multiple images. See context-wiki for details.

In practise, this works in the same way as CSS classes.


Oh, that's great. So ![image](file.jpg){class=myClass} could be translated to <img href="file.jpg" class="myClass" /> in HTML and \externalfigure[file.jpg][myClass] in ConTeXt. Output formats that don't support the notion of a class or non-unique identifier would just leave it out.


Having thought about it a bit more, I propose the following syntax.


as already specified in the README
# My header {#id .class key=value key=value}


as discussed here and in issues #170 and #813
![caption](image.png){#id .class}

which can be extended to
![caption](image.png){#id .class width=10cm width=600px} or ![caption](image.png){#id .class width=50%}

The HTML writer would ignore all cm-values and the TeX writers ignore the px-values. Both honor the %-values, so when using % you can use only one width key. Analogous for height.



  1. why would you not comma separate the attributes inside {...}?

  2. What happens when you don't want to specify a class? e.g.

    ![caption](image.png){#id width=50%}

    What happens here? Are you suggesting that class should always be the second un-named argument?



  1. It's space separated since we use that syntax already for headers.
  2. No, class is simply the argument starting with a dot, again as already used in the headers. If you don't specify a class the resulting image won't have any and you cannot style it with CSS or ConTeXt.

While there doesn’t appear to be consensus on how to explicitly specify image widths and heights, at least in HTML and ConTeXt the issue could be mostly avoided by using: ![caption](image.png){#id .class}

So now we’d have to change the definitions from...

  • Link [Inline] Target to Link Attr [Inline] Target and
  • Image [Inline] Target to Image Attr [Inline] Target.

This would solve #170. And while we are making breaking changes to Pandoc’s data format, we should probably add Attr also to Table (to solve #813) and maybe even to BlockQuote and Quoted (you never know).

When we see how people use these optional id and class attributes, we might develop a better understanding which additional key-value pairs like width and height are then still needed. These could then be added relatively easy without changing Pandoc’s data format yet again.


When will this issue finally move forward? When will we get support for SVG (or any vector graphics)?


@seanfarley: This issue is about image size, not SVG. SVG already works fine in output formats that support it (such as HTML).


Image size is very much related. If the graphic is generated in, say, TikZ then there is no way to control how large it appears in HTML. Usually, HTML, HTML slides, LaTeX, and beamer all have different coordinates, so having an image that can scale to each one is the only real way include graphics.

@bilderbuchi bilderbuchi added a commit to openframeworks/ofBook that referenced this issue
@bilderbuchi bilderbuchi Scale all images to 70% in pdf output.
This saves about 20 pages (or 5%). Most figures improve with it, with a 
couple of exceptions, where the base material is of low resolution already.
There is no mechanism yet to prescribe image width in markdown or 
pandoc, cf. jgm/pandoc#261.

So, is there already a clear way forward on this?


While we're at it, we might consider the implications of the new responsive images HTML5 standard as well. As of July 2014 it's only in beta builds of browsers yet. But the Picturefill polyfill is already available. The EPUB3 standard is likely to adapt this as well.

This article explains it quite well. But basically there are three ways to specify responsive images:

  1. Provide an alternative image for high-resolution (e.g. 'retina') displays:

    <img srcset="small.jpg 1x, large.jpg 2x"
       alt="A rad wolf" />
  2. Tell the browser the width (w) in pixel of different image files, as well as the sizes the image will be rendered at under different conditions (e.g. min-width of the screen). The browser will then pick the file it deems best suited:

    <img srcset="large.jpg  1024w,
          medium.jpg 640w,
          small.jpg  320w"
       sizes="(min-width: 36em) 33.3vw,
       alt="A rad wolf" />
  3. Finally, if you want to offer different image file formats (like SVG or WebP), or do art direction (like using cropped images on smaller screens), then you'll have to use the picture element:

       <source media="(min-width: 36em)"
          srcset="large.jpg  1024w,
             medium.jpg 640w,
             small.jpg  320w"
          sizes="33.3vw" />
       <source srcset="cropped-large.jpg 2x,
             cropped-small.jpg 1x" />
       <img src="small.jpg" alt="A rad wolf" />

    Note that the img within the picture is not only a fall-back but is always needed: The source elements just provide alternative sources for the img element.

My proposal (see above posts) was to include arbitrary attributes in pandoc images:

![caption](image.png){#id .class key1="value 1" key2="value 2"}

This would support 1. and 2. but would fail at natively specifying all the information required to generate the picture element. But as it will be only needed in HTML and EPUB anyways, I don't see the harm in using markdown with inline HTML, which is stripped in e.g. LaTeX and actually already works as expected:

paragraph one

    <source srcset="large.jpg" media="(min-width: 1024px)">
    <source srcset="cropped.jpg">



In my opinion, this is the single most important issue that pandoc is facing at the moment. Not being able to specify image size in markdown syntax is a real show stopper for many users. Why has this issue been waiting for so many years ? Has development stopped ?


Okay, I guess @jgm is reluctant to move forward on this until there is a solution for all use-cases. So I’ll give it another shot.

As proposed above, the syntax for inline images is:

![caption](image.png){#id .class key1="val 1" key2="val 2"}

and for reference images:


[caption]: image.png {#id .class key1="val 1" key2="val 2"}
  • For HTML/EPUB all attributes are passed through “as is”. This provides elegant support for all future responsive image properties (e.g. srcset, sizes) as well as a consistent way to specify the plain old HTML attributes width and height. So if you write ![](image.png){width=300 height=200}, you’ll get <img src="image.png" width="300" height="200">. (This is also useful to instruct the browser to reserve a 300x200 pixel box until the image is loaded to prevent a jarring reflow when the image arrives, but this could also be done with CSS.)
  • The other writers ignore attributes that are not supported by their output format.
  • The width and height attributes need special treatment. When used without a unit, the number’s unit is in pixels (to keep the syntax consistent with passing through HTML attributes). However, one of the following units can be used: px, cm, inch and %.
    • Pixels are converted to cm/inch for output in page-based formats like LaTeX and vice versa for output in HTML. Pandoc could introduce a --dpi option, but the default would be 96dpi.
    • If % is used, the result would be for example <img href="file.jpg" style="width: 50%;" /> or \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{file.jpg} (LaTeX) and finally \externalfigure[file.jpg][width=0.5\textwidth] (ConTeXt).
  • In formats like HTML and ConTeXt that have a notion of a class, ![](file.jpg){.myClass} will result in <img href="file.jpg" class="myClass" /> and \externalfigure[file.jpg][myClass] respectively. (Note that the complete ConTeXt syntax is \externalfigure[file.jpg][width=8cm, height=1cm][myClass] and the class has always lower precedence, whereas CSS has always higher precedence than the HTML attributes.)
  • When no attributes are specified, the behaviour is obviously the same as now (DPI image metadata, for example, can still be used).

This covers all use-cases I can think of. Thoughts anyone? @jgm, do you still have concerns? if so, what are they?


I've implemented something like this (the Reader side only) on my local copy of Pandoc. I'll submit it for consideration in a few days. I implemented a lighter-weight syntax than described above. In my view, having ![...](...){...} or ![...](...{...}) for inline images is just too bulky. I'd prefer for the syntax to allow the extra metadata only in reference keys, that is you'd have to say:

text ... ![caption][key] more text...

[key]: url "title" width=... height=... #id .class1 .class2

Also, for the time being, I'm not doing any reinterpretation of the attribute values. If you say width=blah, then I pass blah on to the Writer. If you want px or cm or %, then just say so.

Experimentally, I am checking for the presence of href=url and similar attributes on the image, and if they're found, then they (and any #id and .class info) get put on an <a> element that wraps the image. Maybe something similar could be done someday for <picture> elements, but I haven't tried to do that now.


fwiw, I think @mb21 proposal sounds like a solid solution.


Can I suggest scaling large images to page width by default? Right now compiling into .docx or .odt pushes large images outside of the printable margin. Whatever the solution to specifying width, the default behavior, without any specification, should be more sane.


While we wait for pandoc to support image scaling natively, does anybody has a filter I can use to produce LaTeX and HTML5 outputs with scaled images?


For your information, a similar discussion on generic attribute syntax is in

Here is my suggestion so far

Embedded Media

!mediaType[description](url){#myId .myClass key=val key2="val 2"}
  • assumed to be image if mediaType left blank
  • syntactic sugar ( content of () handled by mediaType handler/extension):

    ![Kittens With Mittens](file.mp4 "video title" 80x10 )

    is equivalent to typing:

    !video[Kittens With Mittens](file.mp4){title="video title" width=80 height=10}

I really like the proposal @mb21 made: #261 (comment)

Would it get merged @jgm if someone implemented it?

Can we get a go-ahead to implement this?

If LaTeX and HTML support meta-data about images, why can't pandoc?


tables and blockquotes might also get attributes when the AST model is changed anyway. For backwards compatibility a pre-filter and post-filter can be applied to map to/from the old model, so existing filters don't fail.


I think the next step would be to estimate the total time to implement this, perhaps this could be crowd-funded. It looks like the only obstacle that @jgm has mentioned is the tame to implement it and I think documenting the behavior and writing unit tests is important for such large changes, and also writing pre-filter and post-filter compatibility functions.

Here is a very rough estimate of the work required (Please provide your opinion if you disagree):
h = hour

1h to update pandoc-types library
12h - 2h for each Writer that needs to change behavior, (and write unit tests for the new behavior) (HTML, EPUB, LaTeX, ConTeXt, Markdown, Docx)
6h to document how each writer behaves when metadata is added for images
1h to update all other writers to just punt on the new AST
1h to update AST api (pandoc-types / Text / Pandoc / Walk.hs)
2h to write backward compatible helper functions for AST api
2h to implement Mardown parser of the attributes

25h total I got so far, Again, please mention anything I might have missed.


I think it's great that this is moving forward, maybe for 1.14.0. I can help adding utility functions to Text.Pandoc.ImageSize and upgrading the writers, but not sure I'm up to digging through all the internals.

An open question is whether only images should get attributes. While we are making breaking changes to Pandoc’s data format, we should consider adding Attr also to Link (to solve #170 in the future), Table (for #813) and maybe even to BlockQuote and Quoted (you never know, or would that go too far?). I'm not suggesting to change the Markdown reader for all these immediately (although there's been discussion about that on CommonMark), just thinking ahead.

@mpickering what kind of tests were you thinking about? You can obviously always construct cases that parsed differently before the change. It's debatable whether newlines should be allowed in attribute blocks (kramdown, markdown extra don't), but I guess the most important thing is to remain consistent within pandoc (to header attributes), so just reusing attributes :: MarkdownParser Attr should sidestep such concerns for now. Finally, feel free to look at my take on a generic attributes spec–this may or may not be helpful.


I've actually done most of the modifications necessary for Scholdoc (see also scholdoc-types), including modifications to the tests to make them pass. I've removed a lot of the writers for Scholdoc, but if you go back a few commits you can find all of the current Pandoc writers that I've modified to build correctly with the new Image data constructor that includes an Attr.


I don't currently have time to extract a clean diff for just the change to Image, but perhaps it can be a helpful starting point.

Like what a lot of people said already, the biggest problem is that this would currently break all the existing filters that target images. Some additional magic can happen in the filter handling code for ones that you give to Pandoc directly, but anyone doing a * -> native/JSON -> * would have their existing code broken.


@timtylin Thanks, I've looked at the diff between the two repos, but except for the changes to have the changed type definition parse, there doesn't appear to be implemented much regarding image dimensions?


@mb21 Ah yes, I was more referring to the modifications needed to the pandoc-types, as well as the modifications needed to the test cases.

As for the actual implementation: Scholdoc itself is not really a full Pandoc fork, but it's just meant to facilitate everyday academic writing using markdown. As such, it only does a very limited set of conversions: markdown_scholarly -> HTML/LaTeX/Docx. Furthermore, only the width attribute, specifically relative width in terms of %, is really "officially supported" for all output formats. The assumption is that most people really only need control on one dimension due to fixed aspected ratios, and the relative width to container seems to be the most natural.

Having said that, you'll find implementations for the correctly behavior of width % mostly in the Figure functions of the LaTeX output writer, where I parse the % and set it to be a relative fraction of \hsize. Alas, I don't have a complete implementation for Docx yet that does the same behavior, but I have a undergrad student working on it part time. If the user specifies the width in terms of other units (px, inch, etc), we just use the trivial implementation in all writers.


@timtylin have you documented the changes that you have made in scholdoc anywhere? It would be good to get an idea of the extensions that you've made.


@aaren I have written up a draft of the extended Markdown syntax that Scholdoc understands, that I'm calling "ScholarlyMarkdown" for now. It's kinda in soft-launch; I've somehow extorted my labmates to use it for everyday paper writing, but because I think it needs some more work (especially on the Docx output front) I haven't publicized it too much.


@timtylin Can pandoc parse this specification?


@storrgie If you're only interested in HTML & LaTeX/PDF output then you can try my very specialized fork of of Pandoc, but otherwise no.


@timtylin I was looking through it, I should have read a bit more before asking the question. I'm under duress to finish up a document right now but I plan to look at scholdoc as soon as I'm finished because it seems to be what I've been looking for.


@mb21 If you feel comfortable going ahead with this implementation then go for it! If you need any help then ping me.

I think the only thing to be resolved is what the type of the new Image constructor should be. Any thoughts? Maybe Image Attr Inline Target would be suitable?


@mpickering Okay, I've started and it is going better than I expected :) Will post a pull request soon.


@aaren mentioned that the LaTeX writer should render an id on a figure as a \label{}.

If anyone knows of any other output formats that support the notion of an id or class on images, please let me know. I know already of ConTeXt's identifiers that act like classes if I'm not mistaken (although one image cannot have multiple classes), as well as the classes in DocBook (the role attribute), MediaWiki, Textile and RST (which also has an id-like name parameter).

@mb21 mb21 referenced this issue in jgm/pandoc-types

added image and link attributes #14

@mb21 mb21 referenced this issue

Image attributes #1806


Just bumping up against this problem today and wondering how far an implementation is?



Also looking for this change; I'm using the windows binary. It's pretty similar to the format I already use with my custom parser (e.g. ![image caption](image.jpg {width: "500px"}) - this format just pushes the attrib map outside rather than inside the link grouping. Also in my implementation if the output format is HTML5, any custom "unknown" attributes are prefixed with "data-", so that it maintains as much of the input document as possible - such that {width: "500px", id: foo, cake: "lie"} becomes width="500px" id="foo" data-cake="lie".

I also had it [attrib map] implemented on standard hyperlinks, is that part of this change/branch?

@RobTrew suggests [for Windows | OS X] that

There is a package installer at pandoc’s download page

I can't (2015-06-15) see installers at ...

Should I perhaps be looking elsewhere in space, or in time ?


A bit inconvenient - hopefully fixed soon :smile:


At first I thought this was a problem with Pandoc becaused I resized images and all it did was make the images look worst in the PDF (created from a markdown doc). However, as I was reading through here, I saw a mention of using imagemagick to change the DPI. I used Irfanview, went to the image menu and selected Information. I made the DPI extremely high (by multiplying by 10), clicked the 'change' button and noted the 'Print Size' down below. Pandoc will use the print size as dictated by the image DPI. Worked great.


Good it worked for you!

But be aware...

At first I thought this was a problem with Pandoc becaused I resized images and all it did was make the images look worst in the PDF (created from a markdown doc). However, as I was reading through here, I saw a mention of using imagemagick to change the DPI. I used Irfanview, went to the image menu and selected Information. I made the DPI extremely high (by multiplying by 10), clicked the 'change' button and noted the 'Print Size' down below. Pandoc will use the print size as dictated by the image DPI.

No. It's not Pandoc which makes use and applies the DPI settings to the output.

Most likely, you produced a PDF? In that case it was the LaTeX PDF generating engine which read the DPI metadata from the image and applied it when producing the PDF. Pandoc does not know anything about that!

Also, you results may change if you change in between the different --latex-engine=pdflatex|lualatex|xelatex options.

Lastly, it will not work for other output formats (as far as I'm aware, none of these changes its behavior depending on the DPI setting of the image). You are aware that this setting doesn't change the actual pixel data, but is only a setting in a metadata field of the image, which can be read and reported to you by a tool like exiftool, right?

Worked great.

Don't rely on it. Don't assume it will stay the same over releases (of LaTeX, xelatex, pdflatex, lualatex).


Yes, you are absolutely correct, Kurt.
I am using MiKTeX (default config) with Pandoc on Windows 8.
Here is the line I use to make the conversion:

pandoc -o "example.pdf" -S -s --toc "" 

Also, the same adjustment works great when creating a docx file.

However, and this may be where you are leading, when I created an html file, the icons were indeed blown back up very large. So, I guess I could understand if you want to force icon sizes for generated web-based documentation.

Note: I mostly using Pandoc to create polished docs for documentation out of markdown.


Sorry for the noob comment. Still in progress right?




I basically can't use markdown right now because there isn't "support for defining image size", so looking forward to this feature!


This would be really interesting as it would be quite trivial to write filters that could do things with these attributes as well (including other files come to mind)


Is there still something preventing #2351 from being merged (except that it now has conflicts with the current master)?

@tompollard tompollard referenced this issue in tompollard/phd_thesis_markdown

ability to scale images in markdown #15

@jgm jgm added a commit that closed this issue
@jgm Merge branch 'new-image-attributes' of
…into mb21-new-image-attributes

* Bumped version to 1.16.
* Added Attr field to Link and Image.
* Added `common_link_attributes` extension.
* Updated readers for link attributes.
* Updated writers for link attributes.
* Updated tests
* Updated stack.yaml to build against unreleased versions of
  pandoc-types and texmath.
* Fixed various compiler warnings.

Closes #261.


* Relative (percentage) image widths in docx writer.
* ODT/OpenDocument writer (untested, same issue about percentage widths).
* Update pandoc-citeproc.
@jgm jgm closed this in 244cd56

:+1: Slick. Thanks @jgm!


Awesome! Thx!




This is huge, thanks! :+1:


Cool, but this won't be available in a full release until 1.16, right? I can't create a windows version of this branch using either stack or cabal.


Windows 2003 R2 Sp2 32-Bit, on VirtualBox; git, node, cygwin, miktex, haskell platform, cabal, etc all installed and updated ok. (ghc version 7.8.3)

$ stack install
Downloading lts-3.13 build plan ...FailedConnectionException2 "raw.githubusercon" 443 True user error (cryptonite: random: cannot get any source of entr
opy on this system)

, and, when compiling via cabal, I also get cryptonite can't be installed (cryptonite: random: cannot get any source of entropy on this system).


slaps forehead
compiling happily on my win10 box...

i really have to trash that old thing and stop using it.


I really want this feature but can't get Pandoc to build with stack on Windows 10. Followed the instructions from, downloaded the latest stack from But I get a weird error seemingly unrelated to Pandoc:

        Not in scope: ‘liftM’
        Perhaps you meant ‘liftM2’ (imported from Control.Monad)

Which has something to do with a Haskell HTTP library. Is there any other way to get this feature? Or is there something about Haskell on windows that I'm overlooking.


Thanks. It's a windows/Haskell issue, using a VM was able to build it on Ubuntu and see first hand this really nice feature. I'll watch pandoc-discuss for the windows fix.

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