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v1.1 stop on pipe errors, sync readme

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1 parent 7cc3f57 commit e61b5591f2dca025c704ad662236e0889d42c109 @jldec committed
Showing with 16 additions and 19 deletions.
  1. +15 −19
  2. +1 −0 tomd
@@ -3,40 +3,36 @@
Users with many Textile files in their Jekyll Pages site can leverage [pandoc](, a utility for converting between different markup formats.
-This [`tomd`]( shell script uses [awk]( and [sed]( to overcome the biggest limitations of pandoc, filtering out the sections listed below, which pandoc doesn't recognize, and re-inserting them into the converted Markdown.
+The [`tomd`]( shell script uses [awk]( and [sed]( to overcome the biggest limitations of pandoc, filtering out the sections listed below, which pandoc doesn't recognize, and re-inserting them into the converted Markdown.
- YAML frontmatter at the top of .textile files
- `{% highlight %}` blocks
- `<notextile>` blocks
-NOTE: This process may still produce some incorrect output. Known issues include:
-- Lost CSS references e.g. from Textile `.p(classname)`
-- Literal HTML mixed with unconverted Textile formatting
### To run `tomd`
1. Install pandoc from or [here](
2. [Download]( or clone this repo.
-3. Copy the `tomd` script and the 2 awk files into your Jekyll project.
-4. Run the script from inside your Jekyll project folder.
+3. Copy the `tomd` script and the two `.awk` files into your Jekyll project.
+4. Invoke the script with `./tomd` from inside your Jekyll project folder.
5. Validate the results.
The script will look for any `.textile` files in the `_posts` directory, convert them to `.md`, and leave backups of the original `.textile` files in a new directory called `_old_posts`. You can override the names of the directories with arguments to the script.
-If everything works, you should see output like:
+If everything works, you will see output like:
+**NOTE:** This process may still produce some incorrect output, so check your results.
+Known issues include:
+1. Lost CSS references e.g. from Textile `.p(classname)`
+2. Literal HTML mixed with Textile formatting e.g. `<sup>"textile-link-text":url</sup>`
-$ ./tomd
-checking for sed, awk, and pandoc
-awk version 20070501
-looking for .textile files in _posts moving them to _old_posts
-58 textile files converted
-##### Running under Windows
+#### Running under Windows
The latest version of pandoc for Windows can be downloaded from
1 tomd
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# remember to keep a backup of everything, and USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
set -e
+set -o pipefail
# make sure the following exist
echo "checking for sed, awk, and pandoc"

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