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A Planet Venus setup for Planet Birmingham
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Pull request Compare This branch is 4 commits ahead of stuartlangridge:master.
Latest commit b5268f0 @jonobacon Update githubio.ini
Added GitHub blog.
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cache Initial commit
html Initial commit
templates/githubio Directory rename
.gitignore Initial commit Update
githubio.ini Update githubio.ini

A simple initial configuration for Planet GitHub (a collection of GitHub employee blogs aggregated together), using Planet Venus as the provider. This is not designed to be a big, official GitHub service, just a place to conveniently read what is going on.


Initial setup:

  1. mkdir planetgithub
  2. cd planetgithub
  3. git clone
  4. git clone

Possible extra stuff

  1. sudo apt-get install xsltproc

Building the pages

  1. cd planetgithub
  2. python ../venus/ githubio.ini
  3. firefox html/index.html

(Once happy that this works, stick "cd /path/to/planetgithub/planetgithub && python ../venus/ githubio.ini" in cron hourly or something.)

Adding new blogs is a question of editing planetgithub/planetgithub/githubio.ini and adding a new section which looks like

name = Site Owner's Name

Note that you can't put the URL of the website itself in; it has to be the URL for the feed. You can inspect the site for the feed URL, or use or similar tools.

Edit planetgithub/planetgithub/templates/githubio/index.html.tmpl to change the look of the site. Note that while changing the templates, you can run python ../venus/ -o githubio.ini (note the -o) which will regenerate the site from the cache without hitting the network, which is a lot faster.

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