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An event aggregation service for microservices
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Event Server

Event server is used to store a time series set of events for the platform. Services can subscribe for event notifications

Getting started

  1. Install Consul

    Consul is the default registry/discovery for go-micro apps. It's however pluggable.

  2. Run Consul

    $ consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul
  3. Start a mysql database

  4. Download and start the service

    go get
    event-srv --database_url="root:root@tcp("

    OR as a docker container

    docker run microhq/event-srv --database_url="root:root@tcp(" --registry_address=YOUR_REGISTRY_ADDRESS


Event server implements the following RPC Methods


  • Create
  • Read
  • Search
  • Stream

Supported but should not really be used

  • Update
  • Delete
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