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Latest commit bfd1920 @asim asim Strip glog
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proxy.go Lets add some kill switches
sort.go need web sort file
templates.go Changed to look of the other option to "- Other" to highlight
web.go Strip glog
web1.png Crop
web2.png Crop
web3.png Crop

Micro Web

Micro web provides a visual point of entry for the micro environment and should replicate the features of the CLI.


Feature Description
UI A dashboard to view and query running services
Proxy A reverse proxy to micro web services (includes websocket support)


Micro Web has a built in HTTP reverse proxy for micro web apps. This essentially allows you to treat web applications as first class citizens in a microservices environment. The proxy will use /[service] along with the namespace (default: go.micro.web) to lookup the service in service discovery. It composes service name as [namespace].[name].

The proxy will strip /[service] forwarded the rest of the path to the web app. It will also set the header "X-Micro-Web-Base-Path" to the stripped path incase you need to use it for some reason like constructing URLs.

Example translation

Path Service Service Path Header: X-Micro-Web-Base-Path
/foo / /foo
/foo/bar /bar /foo

Note: The web proxy speaks to services using HTTP. There is no ability to switch out transport.

Getting Started


go get

Run Web UI/Proxy

micro web

Browse to localhost:8082

Serve Secure TLS

The Web proxy supports serving securely with TLS certificates

micro --enable_tls --tls_cert_file=/path/to/cert --tls_key_file=/path/to/key web

Set Namespace

The Web defaults to serving the namespace go.micro.web. The combination of namespace and request path are used to resolve a service to reverse proxy for.

micro --web_namespace=com.example.web


You can enable a stats dashboard via the --enable_stats flag. It will be exposed on /stats.

micro --enable_stats web


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