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A distributed tracing service for microservices {dapper, zipkin, etc}
Go Protocol Buffer
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db Return all spans for a trace id
handler Read upto limit using a loop
proto/trace Name proto packages
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LICENSE First add trace diagram
main.go strip glog
trace.png add trace diagram

Trace Server

Trace server is a distributed tracing storage system. It's built for the micro ecosystem and to be used with go-platform/trace


Getting started

  1. Install Consul

    Consul is the default registry/discovery for go-micro apps. It's however pluggable.

  2. Run Consul

    $ consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul
  3. Download and start the service

    go get
    trace-srv --database_url="root:root@tcp("

    OR as a docker container

    docker run microhq/trace-srv --database_url="root:root@tcp(" --registry_address=YOUR_REGISTRY_ADDRESS

The Trace API

Read Trace

micro query go.micro.srv.trace Trace.Read '{"id": "c45ab444-ae8e-11e5-b22a-68a86d0d36b6"}'
    "spans": [
            "annotations": [
                    "timestamp": 1.451436390757642e+15,
                    "type": 7
                    "timestamp": 1.451436390757735e+15,
                    "type": 8
                    "timestamp": 1.451436390753609e+15,
                    "type": 1
                    "timestamp": 1.451436390753621e+15,
                    "type": 4
                    "timestamp": 1.451436390758566e+15,
                    "type": 5
                    "timestamp": 1.451436390758568e+15,
                    "type": 2
            "debug": true,
            "duration": 4964,
            "id": "c45ab444-ae8e-11e5-b22a-68a86d0d36b6",
            "name": "go.micro.srv.example.Example.Call",
            "parent_id": "0",
            "timestamp": 1.451436390753604e+15,
            "trace_id": "c45ab48a-ae8e-11e5-b22a-68a86d0d36b6"

Sending to Trace

The trace server consumes messages from the broker topic micro.trace.span. Traces can be generated and sent with the go-platform.

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