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Mike McQuaid


@github @Homebrew @GitInPractice
mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-versions#1191

These should be named e.g qt55 and qt54 and only be the two prior versions before the current one. Also, is it necessary to have more than one vers…


@MichaelRueegg Normally these things are autoinstalled and enabled/disabled by the applications themselves. Additionally, Cask plists are not suppo…

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-versions#1189

Can you please submit this patch to the upstream developers of this project and add a link to the upstream patch submission and explanation of why …

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-versions#1189

That test failure is a Jenkins bug; don't worry about it.


But of course, we could improve it by replacing --skip-optional flag with --include-optional. This would cause behavior change but it seems to be …


@skaht To help us debug this issue can you explain: What you were trying to do (and why) What happened What you expected to happen Step-by-step re…

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#50281

Makes sense to me 👍 but some refactoring may make even more sense 😀

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#50282

Having a document we link from Twitter etc. makes sense to me 👍

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#50282

Doesn't our SHA1 support match our MD5 support whenever it's moved to compat? I can't quite remember but did we actually break the DSL for md5 or odie

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#50282

A title would be good.


sudo chmod -R o+w /usr/local sudo chmod -R g+w /usr/local These are almost never required as the ownership changes are the problem and not the ow…

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#49457

But without the java parameter -Djava.awt.headless=true it quickly shows a splashscreen on start. This happens even if the --background flag is se…

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#49457

Why do you need to run it headless, not sure I understand?

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-bundle#159

Can you think of a valid formula name that'd generate invalid regex?


@rhiann0n Quoting @DomT4 above: we don't install anything by default, so if the latter either you executed brew install on sickrage and sickbeard o…

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-bundle#154


mikemcquaid deleted branch conflicts-style-fixs at Homebrew/homebrew-bundle
Improve style of `conflicts_with` implementation.
1 commit with 11 additions and 6 deletions
mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#50273

Not obvious from the code: is the non-JSON non-quiet output identical?

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew#47824

@ilovezfs I think for cases like this it'd be good to have it physically install the files and duplicate them rather than symlinking.

Improve style of `conflicts_with` implementation.
1 commit with 11 additions and 6 deletions
mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-bundle#154

👍 will open a new PR.

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-bundle#154

👍 will open a new PR.

mikemcquaid deleted branch unlink-stop at mikemcquaid/homebrew-bundle
Unlink and stop service for conflicting formulae.
1 commit with 207 additions and 47 deletions
mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-bundle#154

Not available in Homebrew Bundle 😢

mikemcquaid commented on pull request Homebrew/homebrew-bundle#154


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