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Commits on Mar 16, 2016
  1. @GoodBoyDigital

    Merge pull request #2401 from markfinger/patch-1

    GoodBoyDigital committed
    Correct a reference error in the basic example
  2. @markfinger
Commits on Feb 25, 2016
  1. @GoodBoyDigital


    GoodBoyDigital committed
    accidentally removed the nice pixi explanation
  2. @GoodBoyDigital

    kept master read me

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  3. @GoodBoyDigital
  4. @GoodBoyDigital

    republished files

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  5. @GoodBoyDigital

    fixed accessibility issue

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  6. @GoodBoyDigital

    Merge branch 'dev'

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  7. @GoodBoyDigital

    republished files

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  8. @GoodBoyDigital


    GoodBoyDigital committed
  9. @GoodBoyDigital

    republished files

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  10. @GoodBoyDigital

    interaction tweak

    GoodBoyDigital committed
Commits on Feb 9, 2016
  1. @GoodBoyDigital

    republished files

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  2. @GoodBoyDigital
  3. @GoodBoyDigital

    made option to ensure mouse move

    GoodBoyDigital committed
    mouse move only dispatched when user is over the item. This is now
Commits on Feb 5, 2016
  1. @englercj

    Merge pull request #2341 from GabrieleRomeo/non-developer-readme-cont…

    englercj committed
    Non developer readme contribution
  2. @GoodBoyDigital

    Merge pull request #2337 from sbchittenden/purpose-readme-contribution

    GoodBoyDigital committed
    Purpose readme contribution
Commits on Feb 4, 2016
  1. @sbchittenden

    Merge pull request #1 from GabrieleRomeo/patch-1

    sbchittenden committed
  2. @GabrieleRomeo


    GabrieleRomeo committed
  3. @GoodBoyDigital


    GoodBoyDigital committed
  4. @GoodBoyDigital

    fix for #2333

    GoodBoyDigital committed
  5. @GoodBoyDigital
  6. @GoodBoyDigital
  7. @GabrieleRomeo


    GabrieleRomeo committed
    I have added some emphasis to the Flash's exit. I have also added a little slogan just under your section. I think it's perfect for the 'demos projects' section
  8. @GabrieleRomeo

    Merge pull request #1 from sbchittenden/patch-1

    GabrieleRomeo committed
    proposed edits to the new introductory section
  9. @sbchittenden
  10. @sbchittenden
  11. @sbchittenden
Commits on Feb 3, 2016
  1. @GoodBoyDigital

    Merge pull request #2334 from psyrendust/versionify

    GoodBoyDigital committed
    Update const.js to use browserify-versionify
  2. @psyrendust
  3. @sbchittenden
  4. @GabrieleRomeo
  5. @GoodBoyDigital
Commits on Jan 30, 2016
  1. @GoodBoyDigital

    Merge pull request #2321 from ivanpopelyshev/dev-v3-fixAdd

    GoodBoyDigital committed
    BlendModes premultipliedAlpha hell.
  2. @ivanpopelyshev

    Revert "Trying to fix additive blending in v3"

    ivanpopelyshev committed
    Changing blendModes to what they should be.
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