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Pixi v3 Plugins

Florian Ludwig edited this page · 6 revisions


Here are some plugins from the community for use with pixi v3:

  • pixi-spine - Adds support for spine animations.
  • pixi-tiled - Adds support for importing Tiled Editor tilemaps into pixi.
  • pixi-cocoontext - Optimizes text for use with cocoonjs.
  • EZGUI - A GUI library with many features : themes, skins, tweening ...etc (also support Phaser)
  • gown.js - A GUI library for theming, skins, text input, scroll bars...
  • pixi-dragonbones - Adds support for dragon bones animations.
  • pixi-extra-filters - Adds some extra community-made filters to pixi.
  • pixi-particles - Adds particle systems to pixi.js
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